Landmark Church of Jesus ~ 1802 Lois Street ~ Cleveland, TN 37311 ~ 423.478.1545 ~ Sun-9:30am ~ Wed-7pm ~ email: landmarkchristianschools@gmail.com
Landmark   Kingdom   School

by Ronnie Hyde

Welcome to

Jesus Country

I have a better land for you Abraham. But you will have to move away from your father and all your relatives. It is a blessed country. In it I will bless you and make you a blessing to all the nations of the earth.

Welcome to Jesus Country, where God blesses each child of God if they will make the journey. He also makes us a blessing to all the nations of the earth.

"Power in the Blood".1

Welcome to Jesus Country … where we are all Jesus Lovers! Where the Grace of our Heavenly Father has been extended to us through his Son, Jesus. Not through just any Jesus; but only through that Jesus who was born of Mary. He is alone our kins-man redeemer. That Jesus who became the sacrificial Lamb of God, whose blood paid the atonement price for not only my sins; but your sins; in fact; the sins of the whole world: past, present, and future! Faith in this Jesus' blood applies His blood to the door posts of our natural Adamic human soul. This faith in Jesus' blood puts sandals on our feet, a staff in our hand. This faith in Jesus' blood sounds a trumpet to all the spirits of darkness of this kosmos world's slavers and pharaohs; that we have entered the Lord's Passover are now set free to walk. In this Jesus' blood we begin a journey of a life-time; in fact, beginning a journey of an eternal life-time with Jesus, the Christ. Faith in the blood of the Lamb of God did that. Welcome to Jesus Country.

"Prison Doors Opened".2

Welcome to Jesus Country …where all prison doors are opened…where all humans of every race, creed, tribe and language are given permission to go free simply by their faith in Jesus' blood, in Jesus' name. Only by faith in this Jesus does every captive of every race and tribe go free. Only by faith in this Jesus are all broken hearts mended. Only by faith in this Jesus are the weak made strong; the blind are given sight; and liberty and freedom is given freely to all who hear and believe the gospel/good news of the name of Jesus and the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ. Here in Jesus Country - joy replaces mourning; beauty is given for ashes of shame; heaviness is swapped for a garment of Praise. Here in Jesus country every citizen had a "rap" sheet; but all is forgiven and forgotten thru faith in the blood, through faith in the name of the blood, through faith in the name of Jesus. The blood name.

"Jesus is Lord

Satan is Fallen".3

Welcome to Jesus Country … where Jesus is Lord! He is number one, the one in supreme authority. The authority of the devil-satan has been broken by the King Jesus. Where in fact, Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings of all. Here in Jesus Country; Jesus alone sits on the Throne of the Universe. He sits right now, above every name, above every principality, above power that's in heaven, that's in this earth and that's under the earth. Jesus is right now seated in His Father's Throne and invite you and me, any of us who believe in him, to come sit with him, in his throne as heirs of His Life, as joint-heirs with Jesus' in his eternal Life. Welcome to Jesus Country where Jesus saw satan fall as lightening to the earth, watched him body-slammed to the earth. Here Jesus gives each believer who joins him, power over all the power of the enemy. The powers of darkness can stir up natural, physical situations against us; but can not hurt us, nor take our eternal life in Jesus from us. They can touch us many ways; but can't take our eternal life! We may get caught in fleshy struggles, but are always given the victory as we lean into Jesus more and more. Greater is He, Jesus, that is in us, than he that is in the world.

"Cross-Roads Two Choices

Bible is The Word of God".4

Welcome to Jesus Country … where believers have come to the cross-roads, to the intersection of Two Choices. Two Trees. Two Words. The choice is between God's Word - what he has said or the serpent's Word - what he has said. It all started that way in the garden of Eden. It continues that way to day over thousands of years. Those of us in Jesus Country have chosen God's Word, the tree of life over the flesh's word. God's Word the Bible is esteemed above all other books, all other words, as the written expression of His divine Word to us. We have chosen his Word above all other words. That is the Tree of Life.

Esteeming His Word above all other words brings Health to all of our flesh nature : to our body, our soul, our mind, our spirit, our personality, our marriage, our family.

Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food (Job 23:12)

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. (Pr 4:20-22)

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isa 55:8-11)


Welcome Home".5

Welcome to Jesus Country … Where faith in Jesus' blood which he shed at Calvary, cleanses every believer from all their sins and removes their sins as far as the East is from the West. Even prodigal sons and daughters are welcome to return home , who have made poor choices, spending years in sin's waste land of riotous living. When each prodigal comes to their senses; although they have brought havoc upon their minds, theirs bodies, and the lives of their families; ..they are still welcomed with open arms by the heavenly Father's love, grace and forgiveness which is perfectly exhibited in the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Believing the Basics".6

Welcome to Jesus Country … where believers confess their faith in Jesus' blood, his death on the cross,his burial and Jesus' resurrection after 3 days. Jesus believers link their faith to Jesus' death, burial and raising out of this world kosmos system into a new world system when is buried with Jesus in a watery grave of the waters of baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, into Jesus Christ. Here all believers are baptized(immersed, made fully wet) into the name (the authority, character) of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost when they are all baptized, immersed in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

"Agents of Light

in the Darkness".7

Welcome to Jesus Country…where each believer becomes an agent of Light and Freedom within the surrounding environment of WITH-OUT FORM (confusion), and VOID (emptiness) and DARKNESS (misery-sorrow-ignorance). Just as the 1st Adam & his Eve were born into an environment. Here Christ's body of believers (his church) exist within a hostile environment of the world (kosmos). Where believers are daily, repeatedly challenged, and assaulted by the surrounding darkness and spiritual wickedness of this surrounding world (kosmos) of this age. Welcome to Jesus Country, where the sun is always shining and the sky is always bright. Yes and the enemy continually wars to eject us from our promise land living. Yet, through it all, we are more than conquerors thru Christ who loves us, who saved us and who fills us with himself - with his Spirit. Jesus said that not only would He be with us; but that he would abide and dwell within us in all the ways in which we find our-selves. Jesus promised …I am with you alway, even to the end of the age.

"Receiving of the Spirit".8

Welcome to Jesus Country … where are all believers are invited to drink within of his living water, to receive his baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Jesus within. His Spirit was given to us, after Jesus died, was buried, raised, ascended to heaven, glorified and exalted to the throne. Here all believers are invited and encouraged to receive Jesus' Spirit, to receive the Holy Ghost, after they exercised believing faith in him and his name. In Jesus Country believers receive the Holy Ghost after they believe. Receiving the Spirit of Jesus, receiving the Spirit of Christ, receiving the Spirit of His Son; makes us Sons; makes us children in Christ; the Sons of God right now : crying out "Abba - Father" to our heavenly creator.

"Everything is in Jesus Name".9

Welcome to Jesus Country … where everything is in Jesus' Name! (In Jesus' character, in Jesus' authority). Where we preach Jesus' name, where we sing Jesus' name, where we pray in Jesus' name, - prophesy in Jesus' name, - love in Jesus' name, - bless in Jesus' name, - forgive in Jesus name - speak in tongues in Jesus' name - show mercy in Jesus' name. Here in Jesus Country we pray and the sick recover, in Jesus' name, - here all are water baptized in Jesus' name, - here devils are cast out and trod under foot in Jesus' name, - here signs and wonders happen in Jesus' name, - where every knee bows to the name of Jesus!

"The Endless River

of Life & Spirit".10

Welcome to Jesus Country… where the the great endless river of life flows out of the God's Great Altar bringing continual Healing and Life to the body, the soul and the Spirit of all who walk in faith in Jesus. Wherever it flows the dry dead bones of failed lives come together again by the Spirit Life of Jesus. Here in Jesus Country everything and everyone is healed wherever this river of life flows. It flows deeper and deeper; from the ankles, to the knees, to the waist, and deeper into swimming waters of Life and healing. This Jesus River of Life is so vast that it can never be crossed; …not even in a life-time. Since the Day of Pentecost, this river of life has been flowing 24hrs a day - 7 days a week - 365 days a year; bringing eternal Life ans healing wherever it flows.

"Standing in the


Welcome to Jesus Country..., where we are ..."Standing in the ways, asking for the old paths;....Remove not the ancient landmarks which your fathers have set;... Contend for the faith once delivered to the saints;...

Come out from among them, saith the Lord. We are here to help brothers and sisters to come further out of 'them' and come further into 'Him'. Hopefully you will hear the voice of the Savior calling you back to those ancient landmarks which our New Testament Fathers established for us. We can help you.

By God's Grace He has spoken and we have heard. It is of little consequence where and how you or I started with Jesus. But, it is of great consequence, how we end with Him. So many ways. Let us help you with the Jesus Way. He has never changed, even though men say differently. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Now that's a LANDMARK worth keeping!

"Reigning Resurrection


Welcome to Jesus Country where Resurrection Life is manifested daily, around the globe in the body of Jesus Christ. Believers manifest Christ's resurrection life's overcoming power in every imaginable situation and circumstance. Repeatedly, Perpetually we see Life overcoming Death…over and over again through Christ in the every day spiritual lives of Christ believers. Look around. Here in Jesus Country you will see the Life of Christ bringing physical healing in all kind of sickness and disease situations. Look around. You will also see others living lives of spiritual victory, life, & praise in the face, going through some of the same diseases. Overcoming the adversary. Exhibiting Jesus' Spiritual life victory "in it", "around it", "with it", "in spite of it", "through it", and "over it". All the time, in every way, Jesus' Resurrection Spirit Life exhibits Life Reigning Over Death! Resurrecting us into Victory in every circumstance …. Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, and Spiritually.

"Where the Possible


the Impossible".13

Welcome to Jesus Country …where daily the impossible becomes possible in Christ. Where men's counsel and advice is super-ceded every day by the counsel of God in Jesus Christ. Where the last word is never from the politician, or the religious mind, nor the Holly-wood mind, nor the scientist, nor the computer-guru, nor the culture, nor the artists, nor the icons of sports or entertainment. The last word in Jesus Country is Jesus' Word. He has the final say. In Jesus Country all believers take Jesus' word as the last word, the final say on every issue. Because of this what is impossible with man outside of this spiritual country becomes possible every day with God in Jesus Country.

"Cross Work Goes On

Deeper & Deeper".14

Welcome to Jesus Country … where everyday is a deeper working of the cross of Christ upon our hearts. Where the cross of Jesus daily working death to the old man within us, that the new man of the Spirit of Jesus can be raised higher and higher into view. Daily dying to Self, that daily, the Life of Jesus might be manifested in and through each of us. Where All of us are to bring glory to Jesus as beacons - as cities of light shining out into a world of darkness. In Jesus Country, there is daily a dying to self, to pride, to self-will, as each daily picks up his or her cross to follow Jesus further into this Spirit Country. Learning greater and greater reliance and dependence upon the Spirit Christ Jesus.

"Wading Deeper & Deeper

Into the Spirit".15

Welcome to Jesus Country … where each believer is encouraged to walk deeper and deeper into the heavenly Father's River of Life, - into Jesus' Spirit of Life, - deeper into Jesus' Abundant Life, - deeper into Jesus' Divine Nature, - further and further into Jesus' divine love - into Jesus' divine faith - into Jesus' divine mercy - into Jesus' divine compassion - into Jesus' divine forgiveness - into Jesus' divine power, energy, ability - into Jesus divine force and divine strength! Deeper Into Jesus' Name (character and authority)…into Jesus' Country.

"Daily Revelation of Christ

the Bread-Manna".16

Welcome to Jesus Country… - where there is revelation-manna of Christ for every day's need - where the invitation from God's Spirit is given daily to each person, each believer, to Come & Dine with Him; to eat the Bread of Life with him - to worship him, to daily praise him, to daily walk in the Light of the Son Jesus - where the daily manna bread is a new daily revelation of Jesus - day after day after day. Here in Jesus Country the natural bread supplies the need for the physical body's nourishment - but here in Jesus Country there is a daily Christ Bread that is openly on the table - to show his bread. Christ is easily seen if you will just look. A fresh Christ revelation supplies our need for today and each new day. Manna - Christ Bread - is the staff of Life in Jesus Country.

"Power of Proclaiming

the Good News".17

Welcome to Jesus Country… where the good news of Jesus' kingdom is proclaimed daily throughout the land - where men and women of every race, tribe, language and culture are daily conceived by the word-seed into the Kingdom, …born from above into the Kingdom of God …all by an operation of the Spirit of Jesus. Here in Jesus Country every day Jesus comes to those that receive him, to those that See Him, to those that have entered into Him. Everyday they enter into the present, invisible, un-movable, and unshakable truth stone-Kingdom of God in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!

"Woe to Earth Dwellers".18

Welcome to Jesus Country … where every believer is given power over the devil and the surrounding kingdom of darkness according to the power of Jesus' Spirit that works within them. Greater is He that is in us; than he that is in the world. Greater is Jesus in us; than he that rules the kosmos-world system of the natural-flesh Adamic man. This same Jesus who they crucified, has been made Christ and Lord of All. Here in Jesus Country He has been given all power in heaven and earth. Satan has fallen! Satan has been cast down to the earth as Lightning! Woe to those who inhabit Earthly-ness and carnality, for the devil has come down to you. But Jesus has come to lift all who believe in Jesus' name into heavenly Spirit dwelling places in Christ Jesus.

"God's Love Conquers

Human Abilities Fail".19

Welcome to Jesus Country… where everything of the natural Adamic man Fails and accounts for nothing in the kingdom of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Natural Human LOVE fails to accomplish GOD'S ENDS & PURPOSES. Natural Human JOY fails - Natural Human FAITH fails - Natural Human Effort POWER & Strength fails. In fact, here in Jesus Country all Natural Human ABILITIES fail! But, here in Jesus Country Jesus' Love never fails; Jesus' Joy never fails. Here Christ's' Faith and Compassion never fails. Jesus' Grace & Mercy never fails. Jesus' Power of the Spirit never fails to see us through, where Jesus' Spirit of Life never fails to overcome death!

"Love Initiates

All of Spirit Life".20

Welcome to Jesus Country… where the love of God, grace, compassion are exhibited and where love is to be the driving foremost force behind all preaching, teaching, ministry, deliverance, miracles, healings, signs, and wonders. All is truly done to edify and build-up the King Jesus Christ in this earth and his body - his called-out church. Not an institution…nor a denomination…nor a creed…nor a doctrine. Where only his body counts. His body growing up unto and into Christ…into Him. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish. Joh 3:16

"Spirit Body Relationship

of All Believers".21

Welcome to Jesus Country… where all believers upon the globe are part of the one Body of Christ. We are all in relationship with one another, from new-borns to elders, we are to Keep the Unity of the Spirit till we all come to the Unity of the Faith. Any thing, any philosophy, any doctrine, any sect, any creed which breaks relationship the body relationship is to be avoided. We are to be ministers and stewards of grace to one another within the body as well as to those outside the body of Christ. Judging one another is not our responsibility, no more than children in a large family. That's all left up to the parents.

"Present Spirit Kingdom".22

Welcome to Jesus Country; where the Kingdom of God / Heaven reigns supremely in the Spirit over all other kingdoms of this world (kosmos), over all of Satan's Eden. This kingdom has been constituted entirely in the Spirit since the day of Pentecost, since the Holy Ghost Spirit out-pouring upon believers nearly 2000 years or nearly 735,000 days ago. This Jesus Spirit Kingdom is constituted apart and separate from the flesh. This Kingdom of Jesus' Country is not of the natural, the physical, nor the material. It is of a more enduring substance. It is constituted outside and beyond the natural man's prevue.

Welcome to Jesus Country where this Kingdom of the Spirit is invisible to man's natural eye-sight but is yet an effective living, moving, powerful Kingdom of Jesus Christ. This stone kingdom of Daniel 2 daily continues in the Spirit to grow, thrive, and multiply around this earthly globe. Although the natural, fleshy, religious man tries incessantly to bring this Kingdom into earthly parameters of human associations, parties, and other natural man definitions; this Kingdom of God, this Heavenly Jerusalem continues to Stand upon eternal Spirit foundations. This Jesus Country Kingdom remains constituted of the Spirit where Adam's flesh man has no part.

"A Walk into the

Wilderness with Christ".23

Welcome to Jesus Country… where Now is come salvation, and the dunamis miracle strength of God and the power of his Christ : the Kingdom of our God and his Christ. Where believers are walking one or two at a time out of natural man's religious Christian systems, cities and spiritually into the woods. These Christians are going deep into the wilderness, building crude habitations of the Spirit, living alone with the Spirit in Christ Jesus. Although it looks to the natural man as a wilderness place; it is an unmovable stronghold of the Spirit.

There are no interstates, highways or roads showing you the way. Each believer must just walk away in the Spirit from the prevalent Christian religious systems of today into a separate, individual, relationship of the heart, mind, and Spirit with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a walk of the Spirit. Just follow your Moses, he will lead you out! Just follow your Joshua, he empower you and lead you in. It is an individual thing, a lonely thing but Jesus will never leave you. He said I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Here the Spirit of Christ provides springs of living water which break out in the desert and wilderness places. Where only they of the Spirit thrive. Welcome to Jesus Country!

"Head is the Word

Body should be the Word".24

Welcome to Jesus Country where believers are espoused to Jesus Christ the Word of God. Where we guard ourselves to not receive the Word or Words of another because that would be entering into a betrayal of marriage vows. Jesus is not our only our Savior, our Priest, our Prophet and our King; but he is also our Husband, and our Spouse. Believers are in a marriage relationship with Him who is the Word. He who is the Head of the Body of Christ is the Word. We believers are His Body and are joined to Christ the Word in a marriage relationship.

Welcome to Jesus Country where we only receive His Words in the Scripture. Doctrines, teachings, and Christian philosophies which are not clearly stated in the Scripture we refrain from using, and abstain from. The marriage Word relationship is a holy, sanctified, separate thing just as the natural marriage vows between one man and one woman are sacred. In Jesus Country there is only one Spouse and he is the Lord Jesus Christ. All other Word Seed relationships outside of Christ's Words bring believers into Adultery. Welcome to Jesus Country where Jesus the Word is the Head of the Body and thereby the Body is also of the Word as it is joined to the Head. So many Adulterous Words and Adulterous Doctrines that are not from the Head. It is a Spirit thing.

"Impossible ... Faith".25

Welcome to Jesus Country ... where each believer has crossed the barrier line between " faith" and "unfaith" (doubt). Hab 2:4...the just shall live by his faith. It is impossible to be here. Two people standing side by side. One is living a life of the impossible, while another looks on thinking that is impossible.

Two people. One lives the impossible life. The other looks thinking that is impossible. Jesus said according to your faith be it unto you. So if I think it's impossible then it is impossible. But if I think it is possible, then the impossible becomes possible.

Welcome to Jesus Country where Living in Christ Jesus is beyond the grasp of the unbeliever who looks on from the outside just as a child wonders at the display in the window.

Faith can change all that for you just as it did for Jacob. There really is an access point, a ladder from the earthly to the heavenly. It is right there in front of you. It has been there all the time. It can not be seen nor does it become until you enter the faith realm of the Spirit.

How can I enter this impossible realm? Have Faith in God! To be exact, have faith in Jesus. That will do it. Open up the window and look out. It's an action of faith by your spirit man. How? The easiest way is to open up a Bible and begin to read it from a New Testament believer's stand-point.

Watch faith come. It's impossible to the natural man. But, Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. It's impossible for those out-side of Jesus Country. The just shall live or shall come alive by their faith. Heb 10:38 ...Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Welcome to Jesus Country where it is impossible for the natural man to exist here.

"Get Out Of Your Country".26

Welcome to Jesus Country... where like Abram, all believers are called to get out of their old home country, away from your relatives, away from your Father's house, unto another land that I will show you.

Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. We are on a spiritual journey with God leading us in a walk by faith to another place, to another land, to another country; where we have never been before. To a dwelling place where we have never lived before.

God says, Come out from among them, come out of those old religions and religious beliefs of your present country, of your father's house, and of your relatives. Come away with me Jesus is calling each of us. Come apart unto me. It's a place you have never been before. He says, I have a place for you. A new habitation for you. A new dwelling place and existence for you.

The Lord says, be set apart unto me. Start traveling today. It's a faith walk journey where God is our shield and protector. It's a spiritual journey. Welcome to Jesus Country!

“Where Faith is given to every Man”.27

Welcome to Jesus Country…where a measure of Faith has been given to every man, woman, boy and girl. Where the Spirit of God our everlasting Father plays no favorites, nor does he have respect of persons.

Whosoever will may come and drink of His water of everlasting life. Whosoever will may use the measure of Faith which has been given them. Today wherever the turmoil of life’s stormy sea has driven you, that measure of Faith that is in you may be used to change things today. Use your measure of faith in God, in the Lord Jesus Christ to stand up and begin walking in faith in Jesus Christ.

Yes, the winds of life are contrary. Yes, it is a fight of faith. And the faith that is in you is greater than all the forces and powers of spiritual darkness that surround you. Just fight with your Faith. Just speak the name of Jesus in Faith. Just fight the fight of faith in Jesus Christ. His name is greater. His name is higher. Use your faith in God to go over, to go forward, to cross over.

The winds of the Spirit are waiting for you to make a move of faith. You have faith. Fight with your faith. It’s a good fight. It’s the best fight. Believe his word. Greater is He in you thana he that is in the world. Greater is the Faith in you than the world surrounding you. Fight the good fight of faith today and watch what happens tomorrow.

”He Brought Us Out to Bring Us In”.28

From God’s first call to a man named Abram unto the day you and I heard God’s Call unto us: God’s purpose has always been the same. He calls us out of a surrounding climate of mixed up religious-ness unto a land called the Promise Land. He calls us from barren-ness unto fruitful-ness.

For Noah and his family it took a boat that he had to build. For Abram and his family it took a moving and a journey of walking hundreds of miles. The Israelite family in Egypt had to be willing to walk out of slavery and bondage to a land of freedom and fruitful-ness. Out of no hope or promise for tomorrow to a land of Promise and blessing.

When Jesus came on the scene nearly 730,000 days ago (2000 years); he called people to believe in Him and start another spiritual journey out of unbelief, bondage, and natural man unto place of faith, liberty, and eternal life in a spiritual man, Christ Jesus.

He is always calling his people out of one life into another spiritual life of promise. He brought them out to bring them in. He brings us out to take us in. Welcome to Jesus Country.

God is always working to take us from where we’ve been living to take us to another specific and better land. It’s a journey to Christ Land!

Jesus Country, Christ Land is not an amusement park. It’s not make believe nor an imitation of life. It is Life and Life More Abundantly. It is a dwelling place for believers in Jesus Christ which all the powers of darkness resist, work against and even marshal forces to fight to keep each member of the human race from journeying to Christ Land.

He brought them out to bring them in. He brings us out to bring us in. He brings us on a journey from self to Christ, from natural man to spiritual man, from sin to saint, from carnal to spiritual, from weakness to strength and power in the Holy Ghost.

Noah came out in purpose in building. Abraham came out so that he could go in. Israel’s family went into Egypt as 70 souls, so that God could bring them out as hundreds of thousands out with his mighty hand.

Today in Christ it is God’s same purpose to take us from a place of self and natural-ness unto a place of ever increasing stature of in Christ Jesus. He is bringing us out that he might bring us in. Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:(Eph 4:13)

Eph 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: Welcome to Christ Land!

“The Mountain of the Lord’s House”.29

Welcome to Jesus Country. Welcome to the House of the Lord. Welcome to the Church of the Living God. Welcome to the body of Jesus Christ. Welcome to the called-out.

If you are of the redeemed, you have been called to be a part of the present Kingdom of God in this earth. You have been called to something greater and more wonderful than any nationality, or race or creed.

Welcome to the Lord’s House, to the church of God; to the body of Jesus Christ, to the chosen generation, to the royal priesthood, to the holy nation.

Welcome to mount Zion, the city of the King, to heavenly Jerusalem; to God’s purchased possession and peculiar people who are called out of the darkness of this world system into His marvelous light.

Yes, we are strangers and pilgrims, but we are also the people of God.

Welcome to Jesus Country. Welcome to the mountain of the Lord’s House which is established presently in the top of the mountains, exalted above everything else.

It is the greatest thing going in this earth. It is the highest calling where people of all nations have come and are coming into the House of the Lord God of Jacob, learning of his ways, walking in his paths, receiving his Word and his law as it flows out of heavenly Jerusalm.

Welcome to Jesus country where all nationalities beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning-hooks and do not learn war anymore. Welcome to the mountain of the Lord Jesus’ House that is established in the top above all mountain systems of this earth. The highest calling. Welcome to the Lord's House.

“Welcome to Liberty, Acceptance, & Revenge-.30”

Welcome to Jesus Country … where the Spirit of God has brought to each believer the good news which binds up (wraps firmly) he/she who is broken-hearted, broken-off, crushed in pieces, in their heart (feelings, will, and intellect).

Welcome to Jesus Country …where we proclaim, accost you with message of Liberty; …where we declare the opening of the dungeon - prison to those who have been transported into captivity; and yoked-up, or hitched in bonds.

We proclaim, accost you, calling out to you this delightful message of acceptance during this whole-year-age of the Lord we are in by being in Jesus Christ. Welcome to God’s day of revenge. Welcome to the comforting sigh of ease for all who mourn or lament.

Welcome to God’s day of giving beauty for ashes, perfumed oil, and rich ointment of joy replacing your mourning and lamentation. Welcome to Jesus Country where we are given the given garment of hymn and praise which replaces your feeble-ness, darkness of heaviness. Welcome to Jesus Country where we are Called the trees of righteousness and the planting of the Lord. All for his glory.

Isa 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

Isa 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

Isa 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

“Welcome to Christ Land, the Land of Promise”.31

Welcome to where all the promises of God are Yea and Amen in Jesus Christ, our heavenly land of Promise while we live the time of our earthly lives here on this planet.

Welcome to Christ Land where each believer is come to mount Zion, to the city of the living God, to heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly, to the church of the first-born written in heaven, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant who speaks from heaven.

Where as each believer walk of faith leads them deeper and deeper into Christ Land; further and further into land of Promises. Yes, it is a walk by faith and not by sight. 2Co 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) Abraham spent his natural life looking for a city. Welcome to that city that all who walk by come to by faith. Heb 11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

We have found heaven on earth in Christ to go to heaven in. A people who are sealed while they live. A people who are not hurt and are protected in light of the His name as they walk surrounded by darkness. A people in a heavenly places in Christ Jesus; surrounded by darkness but living in light of Jesus Christ. Welcome to Christ Land, to Beulah land, to the land of the married.

“Father Has Revealed to You”.32

Welcome to Jesus Country .. where we live in the Father’s Revealing of the Son Jesus

It seems that Jesus is well into his second year of ministry. He has many disciples following him. The Twelve have been chosen. He has preached to crowds. He has multiplied bread and fishes, rebuked the storm, and walked on the water. Miracles of healing, deliverances from demons, raising the dead, miraculous feeding of thousands several times, and preached the sermon on the mount.

One day after confusing the disciples with his warning to beware the leaven of the Pharisees, Jesus turns to the disciples while near Caesarea Phillipi and asked; who do men say I am? They gave different answers and then Jesus asks “who do you say I am”? (Mat 16)

Peter speaks up saying; “You are the Christ, the son of the living God”! Jesus acknowledges his profession statement saying to Peter: “Peter, you are blessed (supremely blessed) because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father which is in heaven. You are Peter (petros:rock), and upon this rock (petra) I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Often we as believers use various logic techniques and persuasive analogies in our attempts to convince non-believers in the truth of Jesus Christ or that the Bible is the divine Word of God.

But the truth is that all logic templates and persuasive intellect reasoning approaches fall short. Ultimately, it is something outside of Man which convinces us of Faith in Christ Jesus. It was not a reasoned debate nor an intellectual persuasiveness for Peter.

Jesus recognized that Peter’s faith profession did not come from this world-kosmos which surrounded them. His faith came from outside the world. Outside and apart from man. His faith came from God; from or by the Spirit of the Father, from God. Because of that Jesus said Peter you are blessed meaning supremely blessed, because it is evident flesh and blood (nothing of man has anything to do with this. It is all an influence or operation of the Spirit.)

So I will not try to convince you that the Bible is the divine Word of God. I will not try to convince you that Jesus is the anointed Christ of God sent to this. That is hopeless. The least that could happen is that you would remain an unbeliever. The worst that could happen is that you would become a proselyte of some Christian faction. Both leaving without that inward revelation by the Spirit of iur heavenly Father that Jesus is truly the Son of God sent as a source of light and life into the world.

Read the Biblical accounts for yourself. Read them openly with a receptive attitude. Lets see if the Father God by His Spirit will reveal Jesus Christ to you. That’s the only hope you’ve got.

Surely you have read other best-seller books in your lifetime. Try one more. Try the New Testament story of Christ. Others from all types of religious and secular backgrounds read it and the revelation of Jesus Christ comes.

You might say; “I have already read it and nothing happened.” So! Have you not read any particular best sellers a second time in your life-time? Read it again. He is watching as his eye goes to and fro through out the earth looking for a heart that is leaning completely toward him. Lean into Him today! You can be supremely blessed!

“Jesus Christ the Same Forever”.33

Welcome to Jesus Country … where Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Welcome to where faith in Jesus’ name continues to set captives free; …Where the lost are coming to their senses and getting out of hell’s prison; …Where God continues to have no respecter of persons, no favorites, whosoever will may come; …Where all his promises are yea and amen to all believers; …Where faith in the Bible - God’s Word continues to bring marvelous light;

Welcome to Jesus Country …Where believing on Jesus as the scriptures says continues to fill believers with rivers of living water; …Where Jesus continues to pour out the baptism of the Holy Ghost upon all believers; …Where the promise of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost Spirit baptism continues to be for all believers, as many as the Lord our God shall call; …Where the signs are still following believers; devils are cast out, speaking with new tongues, the sick are still recovering from hands being laid on them; …Where believers continue to abide in the New Testament apostles preaching. Welcome to Jesus Country.

“Jesus Name : Power Above All”.34

Welcome to Jesus Country, ..where the name of Jesus Christ is elevated above every other name; where the name of Jesus Christ is given to the born again children in the kingdom of God to do battle in the heavenly regions.

Welcome where praying the name of Jesus, where speaking aloud by faith the name of Jesus, where proclaiming the name of into every situation brings the covering, preserving, comforting, consoling, empowering, changing and delivering presence of the heavenly Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ into the atmosphere.

Each human of Adam’s race has the privilege, honor and responsibility to use the universes greatest weapon that has ever been created.

Using this spiritual device or weapon will see you through every attack or deliver you from every spiritual device which attempts to thwart, hamper or impinge on your faith.

..the believing name (John 3:16),
..that whosoever believeth in him

..the blood name (1 Pet 1:9),
..redeemed by the precious blood of Christ

...the water baptizing name (Acts 8:16),
..baptized in the name of Lord Jesus

...the devil casting out name (Mrk 16:17),
..In my name they shall cast out

...it’s Emmanuel's name (Mat 1:23),
...shall be called Emmanuel, God with us

...the Father-Son-Holy Ghost name (Mat 28:19),
..the only name

...the family name (Eph 3:15),
..of whom the whole family heaven & earth

...it’s God's name (Isa 9:6),
..the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father

..the confessing name (Rom 10:9),
..if confess with mouth the Lord Jesus

...the healing name (Acts 3:16), ..faith in his name made a man strong

...the knee bowing name (Philp 2:10),
...at the name of Jesus every knee

...the Lord's name (Lk 2:11),
...born this day,..savior Christ the Lord

...the none other name (Acts 4:12),
..under heaven, ..must be saved

...the One name (Zech 14:9),
..in that day..One Lord & his name one

...the preaching name (Acts 8:12),
..Phillip preaching the name of ..

...the repentance name (Lk 24:47),
..repentance preached in his name

...the remission of sin name (Acts10:43),
..thru his name is remission of

...the only saving name (Acts 4:12),
..no salvation in any other name

...speaking with new tongues name (Mark 16:17),
..In my name ..

...the anointing with oil name (James 5:14),
..anoint with oil in name of Lord

..giving thanks always name (Eph 5:20),
..for all things to God in the name

...name above every name (Phil 2:9),
..God gave his name above every

...the what so ever you do name (Col 3:17),
.. in word in deed ..whatsoever

..the washing away sins name (Acts 22:16),
..arise Saul wash ..calling on

...the sanctifying, & justifying name,
..from our past sins (1Cor 6:11),

...the Word made flesh name (Joh 1:14,17),

...Our LORD JESUS CHRIST! That is the Name
..No Other Name but .......JESUS -ACTS 2:36

Yes! We are the people of the name!

“Sir, We Would See Jesus”.35

Welcome to Jesus Country … where we see Jesus as a plan in Noah, ..where we Jesus as a journey of faith and covenant in Abraham, ..as the blessing upon the only begotten Son in Isaac, ..where we see Jesus as a family of many sons in Jacob, and as the favorite son delivered into slavery and prison on his way to the throne in Joseph.

Welcome to Jesus Country where we see Jesus as a deliverer from sin’s bondage unto a new law in Moses, ..as a captain leading in battle to seize an inheritance in Joshua, ..as a spiritual prophetess speaking direction for victory in Deborah, ..and where we see Jesus as the least in the family becoming anointed to deliver from the enemy in Gideon.

Welcome to Jesus Country where we see Jesus as an out-cast son among the brethren, yet a captain in Jephthah, where we see Jesus as a miracle-born son yet a Spirit-strong-man deliverer in Samson, and as a barren wife’s child becoming a great prophet in Samuel. We see Jesus as the least of eight brothers with a heart after God who slays the giant and becomes the King over Israel.

Welcome to Jesus Country where Jesus is all that and yet so much more!

“Potter's Wheel Fullness”.36

Welcome to Jesus Country where all believer’s are on the potter’s wheel, ..where all are appointed to grow up unto Him in all things in their body appointed place, ..where we are all being transformed by the renewing of our minds, …where we are all in a complete furnishing (perfecting) of the saints for the purpose of edifying to Christ which (for) is the work of the ministry.

Welcome to Jesus Country where we are all coming to the measure of a fuller and fuller stature of Christ, ..where we are all being brought into the unity and oneness of faith (Eph 4:11-13), …where we all are being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and Jesus Christ the chief corner-stone (Eph 2:20), ..where we are the body of Christ, members in particular, apostles 1st, prophets 2nd, teachers 3rd, then miracles, gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversitity of tongues. (1Co 12:28).

“Body of Christ Is Many Members”.37

Welcome to Jesus Country where we are part of one body of Christ, even though we are many members, where His grace has given to us different ministries of prophecy, according to our proportion of faith, ministry, teaching, exhorting(calling near), giving(sharing without self-seeking), ruling(presiding over), showing mercy with cheerfulness, love without hypocrisy, abhorring, detesting evil, cleaving to good, cherishing one another in love, showing deference to others, diligent in business, earnest (hot) in spirit, confident rejoicing, enduring pressure, constantly in prayer, sharing with other saints, and pursuing hospitality to strangers.

Welcome to Jesus Country where there is Blessing to those that pursue, persecute you, and not cursing them, where we rejoice with those rejoice, weep with those that weep, where we condescend to men in depressed circumstances, and where we don’t render evil for evil, where we Live peaceably with everyone, where we don’t avenge our-selves. And If your enemy hungers you feed him; if he is thirsty, we give him a drink. It is where we are not to be overcome by the evil, but to overcome the evil with good. (Rom 12:5-21)

“The 42nd Generation”.38

Welcome to Jesus Country, the land of the 42nd Generation.

Mt 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations (1000yrs+-); and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations (400+- yrs); and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations (600 +-yrs).

When God counts generations He stops in Christ who is the 42nd generation. Welcome to the 42nd generation. Welcome to the Jesus generation where time is no longer the issue. Fourteen (14) generations from Abraham to David covers about 1000 yrs. Fourteen (14) generations from David to Babylon covers about 400 years. And Fourteen (14) generations from Babylon to Christ covers about 600 years. Those 42 literal generations covered about 2000 years.

That makes Christ the 42nd generation. Where are we today? We are in Christ. We are in the 42nd generation.

Those first 42 generations covered about 2000 years. Christ’s 42nd generation has continued about 2000 literal years since Calvary and that first Pentecost after his resurrection. That makes Jesus’ 42nd generation to have lasted about another 2000 years. Welcome to Jesus Country. Welcome to Christ’s generation.

Ps 22:30 A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.
Ps 112:2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.

Welcome to Christ’s generation and the Kingdom of Life. It does make one think that Jesus’ return and 2nd coming is soon. Look up. Our redemption draws near. He said; “Surely, I come quickly”. (Rev 22:21)

I heard a brother speaking to a large convention of apostolic brethren in California say... “ I had a dream the other night where I was taken to heaven, as I looked around I looked for our group. I did not see it. I asked the angel where are the (he mentioned his organizations name to the angel). The angel said we don’t have any of those here!

That makes sense. Only the 42nd Christ generation is there! By the way, the Christ’s 42nd is still here. The harvest of the earth is still on-going. Daniel’s stone kingdom which will never be destroyed, but will break and consume all other kingdoms; filling the whole earth and standing forever. (Dan 2)

Alleluia we are in the 42nd Kingdom that lasts forever!

Welcome to Christ’s generation where time stops. Where Christ’s life, his eternal life lasts forever. Welcome to the 42nd generation where time measurement stops in him. The phrase “eternal life” is used 30 times from Matthew to Jude. Welcome to forever life.

I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: ..Whosoever liveth and believes in me shall never die. (Jo 11:25-26) He that believeth in me shall never die!

Welcome to eternal Life! Welcome to Christ’s 42nd generation! Welcome to Jesus Country!

“Altar - Death Precedes Life”.39

Welcome to Jesus Country; where the dead in Christ take up their cross daily as they walk as born again Sons and daughters in the body of Christ Jesus. Believers are Daily taking up their personal cross, daily denying their old-man’s self underlying will, motivations, pride and the flesh personality’s push-n-pull as they follow Christ Jesus. Dying daily as we walk in new Life. Death and Life at work simultaneously.

Jesus Christ was the first dead-man walking. In a sense, Jesus was taking up his cross every-day as He walked about denying his natural physical human self as he always did what the Father told him to do and say. Jesus walked and lived daily in the four gospels the life expression of the first perfect “Holy Ghost-Spirit Filled Man”.

In Mt 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, follow me, and “daily” was added in Luk 9:23.

Gal 2:20 says you are crucified with Christ

Ro 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Joh 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Each day of this abundant life living in Christ of Joh 10:10 is a relationship with a death and dying to Self.

There is an illustration of this in the OT in the daily morning and evening sacrifices upon the Altar. The physical Altar was the first object in the path to Holy Place Worship (with the lamp-light, the bread-table, and the royal incense Altar) occasion of daily worship. The daily Altar of sacrifice precluded all other activity. That daily Altar represented death comes first, before all other worship activity.

The OT Altar was a place of daily dying. The OT Altar could not be by-passed or ignored or omitted in daily-worship. The fire of the outside Death-Sacrifice Altar was the fire that was burning upon the Worship Incense Altar in the Holy Place before the Vail.

Each believer in Christ renews that Altar (that place of sacrifice and death) as a precursor to all worship. The Altar was central. The Altar regulated all other activity. The Altar was first. An Altar is central. Death and dying to the Old Man Self is central and part of each believer’s daily denial of Self’s old Adamic natural man’s flash Self’s manners, attitudes, aims, motives, failures, desires, and unbelief.

Die Daily. Daily Self-Denial. Daily Counting the Cost. Daily bearing My Cross. Daily Surrender if the Old man to the New man. Crucified with Christ every day. The altar represents ‘Death-to Self’ daily being woven into the Warp and Woof fabric of each believer’s daily-life as they take up their cross for that day.

Cross death precedes Life everyday. David’s 24 courses of musicians and singers which he set up in 1Ch 25 were a side-bar accompanying all other Temple worship activities. Music & Worship were not to a replacement or diversion the Altar, the Washing, nor the Holy Place activities of Lamp-Light, Incense Prayer, and eating of the table Bread. The Worship and Music were background atmosphere not fore-ground’s main activity.

We have an altar! I have an altar! You have an altar! A daily altar of death, dying and denying of Self’s contrary motive, desires, needs and purposes! I have a Cross to take Up Daily! So today each of us must take up his/her Cross. I have an altar as I follow Jesus!

2Co 4:10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

We have an altar! I have an altar! You have an altar! A daily altar of death, dying and denying of Self’s contrary motive, desires, needs and purposes! I have a Cross to take Up Daily! So today each of us must take up his/her Cross. I have an altar as I follow Jesus!

“Bearing the Son's Image”.40

Welcome to Jesus Country ...where God’s purpose is at work in the life of each born-again believer. We are called according to God’s purpose (Ro 8:28), predestined according to his own will, (Eph 1:11), in alignment with his purpose and will (2Ti 1:9), predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son Jesus who was first-born among man (Rom 8:29), transformed by the renovation and renewing of our mind (Rom 12:2).

Because of our first natural birth, each of us bear the 1st Adam’s earthly image. God intended that each of us should also bear the last Adam’s (Jesus) heavenly image. (1Co 15:49) That comes into existence by another "Spirit" Life birth; being born again of the water and the Spirit. (Joh 3:5)

Bearing his Life. Bearing His Character. Bearing His Spirit. Bearing His Function. Bearing His Nature. Bearing His Anointing. Bearing His Power. Bearing His Purpose.

Welcome to Jesus Country!



“Imperishable Seed”.41

“God's Glory Covering the Earth”.42

“It's By My Spirit”.43

Welcome to Jesus Country where only God’s Words have the Spirit of Life.

Zec 4:6 ..Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

In most homes there may be the two most common and popular books. One is a Bible. The other is a Dictionary. They have similarities.

They may be close to the same size and thickness. They may be written in the same language. The print on each page maybe written in the same font style and size. Both books are filled with words. In fact, it is plausible that all the words in one book are also found some place in the other book.

Both books words are structured into sentences. Both books give knowledge and increase awareness.One book touches the mind. The other book touches the spirit.

The dictionary has knowledge, defines the words we use daily to communicate and it does increase our awareness of the world we live in. But, the dictionary lacks something.

The Bible is filled with words. It is probably true that every word in the Bible is also in the Dictionary.

But the Bible is alive. It is a living book. The words of the dictionary do not have life. The dictionary in spiritual terms is a dead book. Jesus said the words that I speak unto you are Spirit and they are Life. Joh 6:63

The words of the dictionary are not Spirit and neither are they Life. If the dictionary words are not life, then they do not have the Spirit element, nor Spirit component. So in spiritual terms, all dictionary words are dead. They have no Spirit component.

The words of the God in the Bible are Spirit and Life. The words of the Bible have a Spirit component attached to them, which the dictionary words do not have.

Spending time in a dictionary does elevate ones thinking, but it does not elevate, affect or influence a person’s spirit. Thus the dictionary is a dead book.

Read the Bible each day and watch Spirit Life come to your inner spirit man. Eat Spirit food for your spirit man. Eat natural food for your natural man. Grow.

1Th 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Zec 4:6 ..Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

“Just Live By Faith”.44

Welcome to Jesus Country .. where the Spirit of our heavenly Father has decreed eternally that his people live by faith. Welcome to Jesus Country where faith is the deciding factor; where faith is the pivot point.

Hab 2:4 ..the just shall live by his faith.
Ro 1:17 ..the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Ga 3:11.. The just shall live by faith.
Heb 10:38 .. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Here in Jesus Country every spiritual aspect of spiritual Life in Christ is firstly linked to Faith. Every believer’s life in God is foremost directly related to faith. If it’s true in Jesus Country that the just shall live by faith; there it clearly follows that a lack of faith brings the absence of Living which is death or dying. Believers walk in a death atmosphere when they have a lack of faith. A lack of faith in what? A lack of faith in whatever God has provided.

In Jesus Country he has provided wonderful blessings to believers just as he provided a wonderful country land in Canaan to OT Israel. They entered physically and literally by sight, while we NT believers enter spiritually by faith.

Nothing of the Spirit is a reality until Faith grasps or seizes it. Without it is impossible to please him. Without faith, the Spirit of God has no pleasure in a man.

“Impossible Faith”.45

Welcome to Jesus Country … where each believer has crossed the barrier line between “ faith” and “unfaith” (doubt). Hab 2:4 …the just shall live by his faith. It is impossible to be here. Two people standing side by side. One is living a life of the impossible, while another looks on thinking that is impossible.

Two people. One lives the impossible life. The other looks thinking that is impossible. Jesus said according to your faith be it unto you. So if I think it’s impossible then it is impossible. But if I think it is possible, then the impossible becomes possible.

Welcome to Jesus Country where Living in Christ Jesus is beyond the grasp of the unbeliever who looks on from the outside just as a child wonders at the display in the window.

Faith can change all that for you just as it did for Jacob. There really is an access point, a ladder from the earthly to the heavenly. It is right there in front of you. It has been there all the time. It can not be seen nor does it become until you enter the faith realm of the Spirit.

How can I enter this impossible realm? Have Faith in God! To be exact, have faith in Jesus. That will do it. Open up the window and look out. It’s an action of faith by your spirit man. How? The easiest way is to open up a Bible and begin to read it from a New Testament believer’s stand-point.

Watch faith come. It’s impossible to the natural man. But, Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. It’s impossible for those out-side of Jesus Country. The just shall live or shall come alive by their faith. Heb 10:38 … Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Welcome to Jesus Country where it is impossible for the natural man to exist here.

“Get A Grip”.46

Welcome to Jesus Country … where believers in Christ come from all races, languages, cultures, and creeds which are within this earth.

Where each is adamic after the form of the first man Adam. Where each is called into the fellowship and new Spirit Life of the 2nd man, the last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Each of us is comes with similar baggage of humanity; yet we are each uniquely tweaked so different as we each face similar challenges of life.

In Jesus Country our King Jesus has provided numerous ministry aspects of his Spirit to help us “get a grip” on this New Kingdom Life of the Born Again.

God has given us hands with five fingers to carry our baggage and to minister to others. Each of us comes with their similar Adamic flesh baggage and yet is shaped uniquely different by the flesh man encroachments we have experienced.

Five fingers. Four fingers and 1 thumb to carry, to lift, to pull, and to minister to others. Without the opposing thumb our ability to grip is greatly diminished; much more than just 20%.

To “get a grip” on this walk in Christ Jesus Country, consider that the five fingers of getting a good grip on “Christ” represent: Prayer, Reading, Worship, Assembling, and Taking Up our Cross. Also consider that the thumb, the opposing appendage represents taking Up of our Cross daily.

Praying, Reading, and Worshiping independently, on our own are necessary to a living relationship in Christ. We also must routinely come together with other believers. Assembling our selves together we gain body ministry of life support, cohesion and strength.

Consider those four activities as the four fingers of the hand. But there is another, the thumb, that allows a full grip on Christ in this little analogy. Consider for this thought today that the thumb, the 5th member of the hand is Taking Up Daily Your Cross. Dealing successfully and victoriously with your Adamic Baggage that each of us came with.

So often when any believer fails to overcome in their walk in Christ, their spiritual grip weakens, “losing grip on Christ”.

A strong hand is the Father’s design that we have good, strong grip on Christ, to handle the flesh baggage we each came with or the baggage that is drawn to us by the 1st adam nature. Get a five-finger grip.

“An Ark of Three”.47

Welcome to Jesus Country … where the grace of God reveals to us God’s plan for our safe journey within this world that lies 100% in wickedness. Noah received God’s Saving Ark plan. (Gen 6)

God provided the structural blue-prints and plan. But Noah would have to build it. Noah create his own ark of safety by following God’s plan. Make it with 3 levels inside, of an exact length, width, and height.

Heb 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

It’s the same today. Following God’s plan provides the only Ark of Safety, of deliverance in this evil rebellious kosmos world. God provides the materials but we provide the labor. Take up your cross and follow me.

God’s Ark plan included three floors or levels within the one ark. God still provides a three level plan for us today. You must be born again, Nicodemus. Born of the water and the Spirit. Then take up cross and follow me. That’s three things.

When Peter was asked what shall we do? He said three things. Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. That’s three things.

The worshipers of the OT Tabernacle had three areas. The Courtyard of the Altar of Sacrifice, the Holy Place and the Holiest of Holies. That’s three things.

Worship of Jehovah required all men to come to Jerusalem to worship God during the Feast of Passover (lamb’s death), Feast of Weeks-Pentecost (bread harvest) and the Feast of Tabernacles (fruit harvest). That is three things.

Welcome to Jesus Country where God has a three level faith for each believer. Welcome to Jesus Country where Jesus Christ has a three-level Ark of Safety and Deliverance for all believers. God has an Ark Plan but you must build yours just as I must build mine. His plan that is built using my faith.

Heb 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; … and by the exercise of his faith, Noah became an heir of God, just as we all do.

“Dealing with the Destroyer”.48

Welcome to Jesus Country …where every born again believer has the power to contend with the thief, who comes to steal from you, who comes to kill you, who comes to destroy you. Entering into the shepherd Jesus’ sheep-fold protects us and gives us life.

Discerning the destroyer, the thief, the killer when he comes gives us victory over him every time we run into, immerse our-selves within the shepherd-ship of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we cover our-selves with the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus knew his disciples needed additional empowering of His spirit, when he breathed upon them that day he appeared in the room where the disciples were assembled in fear. (Joh 20:19) His remedy then and for right now is to receive the Holy Ghost. And you shall receive power after that the Holt Ghost is come upon you.

The reigning, governing, and directing angel over the demonic spirits of Rev 9 is the destroying angel (abaddon / appolyon).

“Reviving of the Dead”.49

Welcome to Jesus Country … where stones of the rubbish revive again (Neh 4:2); where a dead tree sprouts again at the scent of water (Job 14:7-9); where the breath of God’s Spirit enters and makes dead dry bones live again.(Eze 37:1-3)

Jesus’ “raising of the dead” experiences included Jarius’ daughter, the widow of Nain’s son during the grave-yard procession, Lazarus reviving after 4 days dead, and of Jesus’ power of self resurrection from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights.

Jesus went a step further when he said, No man will take my life from me, but I will voluntarily lay it down. I also have the power to take it up again. And I will do so after 3 days and 3 nights. (Mat 12:40)

No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. Joh 10:18

Welcome to Jesus Country where reviving and resurrection from impossible circumstances is routine and common among us. Think of Abraham. How long did he have to wait? Until both ??

“Living in a Promise”.50

Welcome to Jesus Country … where living by faith and living in faith, without seeing the promise up close, they saw it afar off but were confident.

Heb 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

All the while we believers sojourn in this earthly sphere in the kingdom of Heaven here on earth, we are as Abraham, living, walking, seeking, and looking for that God has promised. It’s all by faith. When we speak so assuredly and positively, we are always speaking by faith in the unseen.

Men become so caught up with their faith and confidence in the unseen that cultures, societies, and nations are thrown into chaos as men strive for the unseen. Most often that climate is driven by religion or politics. (The two great evils upon the world which drive humanity into chaos) . Jesus said to beware the leaven of the Pharisees (religion) and the leaven of Herid (politics).

It is amazing how the gospel of Jesus Christ is served in peaceable-ness, even thought it creates in many a natural, physical, push-back and warring chaos because of un-belief. Satan trys his best to protect his kosmos-turf within the first Adam’s flesh-human generation of men, regardless of nationality or tongue. He does it with violence and yet the believers in Christ keep marching in peace, love and truth, down through the generations.

By faith believers keep coming into the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, some for gain, others out of appreciation and love. All by faith.

Whatever you and I are doing today in the kingdom or for the kingdom; it is all done by faith. Whether we pray, or worship, give or receive, run or stand, love or forgive, sacrifice or enter blessing; it is all by faith.

We sing by faith, worship by faith, live by faith, give by faith, sacrifice by faith, build by faith, pray by faith, open doors by faith, close doors by faith, encourage by faith, teach by faith, live examples by faith, walk by faith, sing by faith, exhort by faith, preach by faith, prophesy by faith, shun by faith, correct by faith, war by faith, and sing by faith.

And if there be any other activity believers do; it to is by faith, without completely seeing it all up-close, just off in the distance. Living by faith!

“The Glory-House of the Lord”.51

Welcome to Jesus Country ..where 24 hours a day around this planet Earth globe song, prayer, adoration and worship are offered from within the Lord’s House unto the King of glory, the King Jesus of Heaven and Earth.

The sound of prayer, worship, and song comes from this spiritual place 24 hours a day unto the only Lord God of heaven, unto the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. And just as it did that day of Solomon’s House Dedication prayer, worship and song brings the glory down within and fills the House.

In the Old Testament it was a natural stone, cedar, gold and brass structure. But, now in the afterward age of Christ Jesus the House of the Lord is the hearts, minds, and spirits of men and women worshiping in song, prayer and praise.

Again, daily the glory comes as born again hearts become one in the spirit with one another in worship of the King. Daily, within Jesus Country, they say as one; The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever.

Every time the effect is the same. Just as a literal cloud of glory filled the house of the Lord that day, so the glory cloud again fills the house of the Lord, the hearts of born again believers as they worship in praise and thanksgiving unto the King Eternal, the only wise God, the Father of glory and the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Welcome to the House of the Lord! Welcome to Jesus Country!

“Magnificent Seven”.52

Welcome to Jesus Country … where seven is magnificent. 2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

You might have noticed that the God of the Bible gave to his people, (us) a promise when things go sour, and life crushes in. God mentioned these 7 things in a dream to King Solomon one night after the new temple dedication ceremony.

God said, If I have shut up the heavens or if I have commanded locusts to devour the land or if I have sent pestilence upon the people.

If my people, which are called by my name, shal humble themselves (bend a knee) and pray (intercede) and seek (search, ask) my face, and turn (retreat, withdraw) from their wicked ways, then I will hear (cause) from heaven and will forgive (pardon) their sin and will heal (cure) their land.

Seven things are mentioned. Four are tied to God’s people. Three are linked to our heavenly Father. Four are related to my actions. Three are related to God’s Spirit responding actions.

Where are we today? Where we always are. God is waiting to do his things whenever we do our things. Our four things come first and God three response things come second. God is waiting on me. God is waiting on you.

Welcome to Jesus Country where the Spirit of the Lord is waiting to respond to your faith actions. If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. That is a conditional statement.

Four things God is waiting on you and me to do. When we do our four then the Spirit of the Lord will do his three things of hearing, forgiving and healing. 4 + 3 = a Magnificient Seven.

It’s your serve. The ball is in your court. He’s waiting to respond to your faith. Welcome to Jesus Country where all of heaven is waiting on my/your ‘four’ response, so that heaven can complete the ‘seven’ with “triple-three” response of “hearing”, heaven’s “forgiving”, and heavens “healing” of your life-land.

It’s conditional. If my people!

“It's Your Serve - He's Watching”.53

Welcome to Jesus Country … where the eye of the Lord is roaming to and fro throughout the globe to stand up for those whose heart and spirit are after God. (2Chr 16:9)

Years after this statement was made to King Asa (who responded foolishly), young King Hezekiah rose to the throne. He decided to act wiser than his age (25) by re-pairing and re-opening the doors of the Temple. He had the priests to clean filthiness out of the holy place. He had the lights turned back on (the lamps) with daily worship and offerings re-started.

Daily Worship with songs and musical instruments started again. The congregation worshipped, the singers sang, and the trumpeters sounded. (2Ch 29-30)

Reconciliation with blood offerings were made for atonement with the congregation bringing sacrifices and thank offerings with singing of praises to God with gladness.

The choice was being by the King. Again let the King Jesus drive you to returning to serve the Lord which will remove the fierceness of his wrath that is upon you.

God is gracious and merciful and will not turn away his face from you, if you return to him.

The ball is in my court. It’s my serve. He’s waiting on my act of faith. Welcome to Jesus Country where the eye of the Lord is watching for your and my act of faith. Serve him and watch his response.

“The Table of the Lord”.54

Welcome to Jesus Country … welcome to the Table of the Lord that is prepared for you and me right in the presence of the enemy, of your enemy, of my enemy.

Ps 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Provision for each day. Provisions for yesterday. There will be provisions for tomorrow. There will be provisions on the table of the Lord for all the days of our lives.

It is a sure thing that goodness and mercy shall follow me, shall follow you, all the days of my life here on this earth. It is a sure thing that the kitchen of heaven is preparing for my today and your today.

There is one rub, one negative. It is all presented, placed on the table, displayed on the Lord’s table right in the presence of evil, in the presence of our enemy, in the presence if our enemies. This is all done during the “days of our lives”, during the days of my life, during the days of your life here on this planet earth.

Your enemy of doubt, fear, anxiety, helplessness, in-adequacy, and over-whelming circumstances is staring at you-me with all purpose to intimidate you-me from reaching out by faith to that provision which God’s kitchens of heaven have prepared for us.

What’s on the table? Whatsoever you need for today!

Daily Bread. He gave it to them daily in the wilderness. He had it prepared as 12 loaves of bread upon the shew-table as the priest entered the holy place twice every day. Remember, there was lighted lamp of the Lords’ spirit across from the table. Light so they could see the Table of Bread. Twelve loaves for the family of God, which happen to be the natural seed of that age.

Welcome to the New Testament age of the spirit called-out, church, body of Christ family of God’s Sons. The table is spread each day during the days our lives, but each believer must stare-down the enemy to grasp and eat that which has been prepared for us, for me, and for you.

Welcome to Jesus Country where the table is spread during the days of our lives and it is presented to us in the face, presence of our enemies of hell and darkness. Reach and grasp what is there for today.

“The Revealing of His Son In Me”.55

Welcome to Jesus Country …where all of God’s purposes in believers are summed up in one divine purpose which is essential, foremost and primary. God’s main, central purpose is to “reveal his Son in me” (Gal 1:16), and in you.

All “morpho”-ing adjustments within have one primary, predominating, essential goal. That purpose is the “revealing of Jesus Christ his son in me” and in you, from within each and every believer.

Ro 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Welcome to Jesus Country where your mission’s purpose is the revealing of the Son from within to this external world kosmos. That is why “Christ is the end of the law”. Rom 10:4 The law is not the end any longer. Christ is the end. Welcome to the journey of ‘Self’ to ‘Christ’. This out-working of manifesting Christ faith brings a rooting and grounding in love. Not a rooting or grounding in any Christian religious system, nor in even a non-religious system. Christ is the purpose that is supreme.

Eph 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love.

Believers only fulfill their function as they reveal Jesus Christ, the Son from within, all operating in the Spirit of God’s Love. Each of us have been chosen to shine his light from within, just as each nightly star takes it’s place each night in the heavenly darkness to give it’s light to all observers.

Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

It’s not how much “facts or concepts” I know. It’s not how much “Christ facts or Christ concepts” I know. It is how much of Christ, how much son is revealed or ministered from me. It’s not how much ability I have manipulate and construct ideas, it’s how much of Christ, or how much Son is revealed from me. It’s not the amount of knowledge about the son. It’s how much Son light shines from me. How much am I rooted and grounded in love?

Oh the glory of the mystery which is Christ in me, in you : our hope of glory. We have been transferred, carried away, translated into the kingdom of his dear Son.

It’s all about how much light of the Son is reflected (moon-light) from me!“55 – The Revealing of His Son In Me”.

Welcome to Jesus Country …where all of God’s purposes in believers are summed up in one divine purpose which is essential, foremost and primary. God’s main, central purpose is to “reveal his Son in me” (Gal 1:16), and in you.

All “morpho”-ing adjustments within have one primary, predominating, essential goal. That purpose is the “revealing of Jesus Christ his son in me” and in you, from within each and every believer.

Ro 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Welcome to Jesus Country where your mission’s purpose is the revealing of the Son from within to this external world kosmos. That is why “Christ is the end of the law”. Rom 10:4 The law is not the end any longer. Christ is the end. Welcome to the journey of ‘Self’ to ‘Christ’. This out-working of manifesting Christ faith brings a rooting and grounding in love. Not a rooting or grounding in any Christian religious system, nor in even a non-religious system. Christ is the purpose that is supreme.

Eph 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love.

Believers only fulfill their function as they reveal Jesus Christ, the Son from within, all operating in the Spirit of God’s Love. Each of us have been chosen to shine his light from within, just as each nightly star takes it’s place each night in the heavenly darkness to give it’s light to all observers.

Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

It’s not how much “facts or concepts” I know. It’s not how much “Christ facts or Christ concepts” I know. It is how much of Christ, how much son is revealed or ministered from me. It’s not how much ability I have manipulate and construct ideas, it’s how much of Christ, or how much Son is revealed from me. It’s not the amount of knowledge about the son. It’s how much Son light shines from me. How much am I rooted and grounded in love?

Oh the glory of the mystery which is Christ in me, in you : our hope of glory. We have been transferred, carried away, translated into the kingdom of his dear Son.

It’s all about how much light of the Son is reflected (moon-light) from me!

“The Blessing”.56

Welcome to Jesus Country … where God, the creator of the universe, Jehovah, Elohim, our Everlasting Father, the Lord God of Israel has a mind, intent, a desire, and purpose that blessing comes upon my life, upon your life.

Nu 6:23 Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, Num 6:24-26

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Nu 6:27 And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.

Put my name on them! I will bless them! The Creator Lord God wants to bless me. That was his intentions and still is his intention. Whether we believe or not!

Moses instruct Aaron and his sons (the priests) to speak like this, and in this manner to bless and benefit the children of Jacob’s posterity. Say to them –

v24: Jehovah bless, praise, salute you, and put a hedge of thorns about you,

v25: Jehovah’s face, luminous countenance, lighten, set fire upon you and stoop, bend in kindness, be gracious unto you.

v26: Jehovah lift up, raise up his face upon you and put, appoint, convey shalom: safety, welfare, health, prosperity and peace to you.

v27: They will bring, put, commit my mark of honor, authority, character and name upon the sons, children of Jacob-Israel, and I will bless, praise, salute them.

Wow. That is God’s intentions for us, his people, his off-spring. It is no wonder that Appolyon’s minions resent, and harass us.

But, thanks be to God that gives us the victory, triumph and conquest over all the power of the enemy through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1Co 15:57, Luk 10:19)

“Will You Bless Me? Yes, I Will!”.57

Welcome to Jesus Country.

1Ch 4:9 And Jabez (grieve, sorrowful) was more honorable (heavier, abounding) than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare (delivered) him with sorrow. (grievous labor)

1Ch 4:10 And Jabez (grieve, sorrowful) called (accosting a person met, called out to, addressed by name) on the God (eloheem, supreme God) of Israel, saying, Oh that (nevertheless, since, whereas) thou wouldest bless (to kneel, adoration) me indeed, (to kneel, adoration) and enlarge (increase, abundance, multiply) my coast, (cord, boundary, enclosed territory, landmark, limit) and that thine hand (power, means, direction) might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep (do, make, accomplish, advance, furnish, govern) me from evil, (adversity, distress, man, hurtful) that it may not grieve (carve, fashion, fabricate in a bad sense) me! And God (eloheem, supreme God) granted (come, befall, apply, come to pass) him that which he requested. (inquired, requested, ask, earnestly, pray)

It seems that Jabez from the beginning had a tougher row-to-hoe, or road-to-travel than his brothers. His mother felt that way from his birth, so she named him grieve, sorrow.

How would you feel if negative attention was brought to you every-day, every time someone called your name. Jabez knew that he was of the tribe of Judah (praise). Not a bad name. A much better than grieve or sorrow.

I am going to assume that Jabez also was aware of the routine priest blessing that he had heard pronounced upon worshipers.

“May the LORD bless you, and keep you; make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Num 6:24-26

So it caught Jabez’ attention that men called him “grief and sorrow” while the Lord God (Eloihim) of Israel had commanded priests to Bless him. So on the natural, human side he heard “grief and sorrow”, but on the heavenly, Spirit side, he heard “blessing”.

God says one thing. His life said another opposite thing. So eventually, Jabez decided to pray about this incongruence.

This episode is recorded only in this genealogy passage of 1st Chronicles. The Spirit reveals to us, inspires and encourage us by this individual’s testimony. It is another piece of the revelation puzzle picture. It is another revealing of how the Spirit of Jehovah God works in our lives.

Jehovah God would you bless me and enlarge my borders, be with me and keep me from evil? Would you do this Lord? God said, Yes I will.

God wanted us to get the message. Welcome to Jesus Country.

“The Land Outside of Jesus Country”.58

Welcome to the land outside of Jesus Country … where all nations, families, and individuals that forget God are turned into hell during the days of their lives.

Ps 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

It is obvious today that spiritual precept applies to nations during their earthly existence and to families and individuals during the days of their lives – not waiting until after they die.

Ga 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Ga 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Sometimes we think that the seeds we sow during our life-time are designated to come up after we die. But, take a look around the world. Both nations and individuals are reaping during their life-time what they have sown. Consider that reaping has two components : (1) during the days of our lives and (2) after-ward in eternity.

One large Christian church system has split over membership and ordaining homo-sexual ministers and priests. Sodomy has taken root in Christianity on the surface. The movie ‘Jesus Revolution’ did not reveal to the audience that the main ‘hippy’ character never was delivered from his sodomy, homosexual life-style. He in fact dies of Aids.

God and Christ is never sodomy. God always forgives a repentant heart. Yet there is a reaping of what has been sown.

Ps 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. That includes individuals during the days of

their lives.

Php 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

Welcome to Jesus Country where we are not of the world even though we are surrounded by it.

“The World Hates Me”-59

One Pastor was asked, “How can we get the world to like us”? He replied. “Join them”!

Welcome to Jesus Country where the world hates us just as it hated Jesus.

Joh 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

1Jo 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

1Jo 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world (kosmos) lieth in wickedness.

The kosmos-world system of things is a complete “orderly arrangement, decoration, and adorning of things” outside the Kingdom of God.

The first stage of salvation moves outside the jurisdiction of the world system, yet still here. Welcome to Jesus Country.

Jesus came to save us “out” and “from” the world (kosmos) system. For God so loved the world (kosmos) that he gave his only begotten son to deliver us. (Joh 3:16) Faith in Jesus’ blood sacrifice, death, burial, and resurrection is the price of the ticket for exit from the world’s system and entrance into the kingdom of God.

Yet we are still here. But, now we are no longer “of” the world, while we still “in” the world arena.

Welcome to Jesus Country! Where we have come out from among them and are separated unto the King Jesus.

"Jesus Country - the Land of Who-so-ever-will".60

Welcome to Jesus Country ... where those of a willing heart and mind are invited to come and drink of the fountain of living waters.

Whosoever will ...give thanks to the Lord and call upon his name.

Whosoever will ...make his deeds known among the people

Whosoever will ...sing unto him, sing psalms unto him and talk of his wondrous works.

Whosoever will ...let him glory in his holy name

Whosoever will ...let their heart rejoice that they seek the Lord

Whosoever will ...let them be mindful of his word commanded to a thousand generations.

Whosoever will ...sing unto the Lord all the earth, and show his salvation from day to day.

Whosoever will ...touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.

Whosoever will ...declare his glory among the heathen, his marvelous works among the nations.

Whosoever will ...glory and honor are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place.

Whosoever will ...give unto the Lord glory and strength; give unto the Lord the glory due his name.

Whosoever will ...worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Whosoever will ...give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endures forever. (1Ch 16)

Whosoever will ...let him that is thirsty come, whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

It’s all there upon the Lord’s Table for whosoever has faith to accept it and reach out and take it.

Whosoever will...let him have an ear to hear!

“61 – LIFE vs Steal-Kill-Destroy”.61

“Welcome to Jesus Country where God’s children, the sons of God, male and female are empowered by their faith in Christ Jesus’ Abundant Life, his blood, his name, and his Spirit, to counter, resist, and repel the thief, and all the devil’s energies to steal from you, to kill you and to destroy you.”

Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

God has given to mankind the remedy for all of Hell’s stealing, killing and destruction that is aimed at humanity. Some of it is aimed at you. Some of it is aimed at me. God has given to believer’s in God, believer’s in Christ the Son, an empowering of His “Spirit Life” to overcome the hell’s death spirit.

Welcome to Jesus Country where we are given power over all the power of the enemy.

Lu 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power (exousia-authority) to tread (trample under foot) on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (dunamis-force) of the enemy (hateful, hostile) : and nothing (not even one) shall by any means hurt (injure) you.

elcome to Jesus Country where the body of Christ is enabled to walk and trample upon spirits, snakes and scorpions of hell and the enemy. It does not mean that you won’t have to deal with the enemy, but Jesus’ followers are blessed to be empowered by his Spirit to put them under foot and walk upon them without injury.

Welcome Jesus Country where satan’s designs on humanity fall in-effective to the ground in the atmosphere of the blood, of Jesus’ name and the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

Covered, covered by the blood. Walking by Faith. Living in Love. I am covered, covered, coverd by the Blood. Jesus has rescued me. Welcome to Jesus Country.

"Keys to the Kingdom".62

Welcome to Jesus Country where the Keys to the Kingdom were given to Apostle Peter.

Mt 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Previously to this response to Peter, Jesus had told his disciples to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadduces. (religion) . They did not understand that natural bread was not what he speaking of. But it was the leavening of religious doctrine.

Who do men say I am? Then – who do you say I am? Peter said you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God! Simon you are blessed. My Father has revealed this to you. You are Peter, (Petros-a piece of rock) and upon this rock (petra-mass of rock) I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The gates of hell can prevail against a person but they the gates of hell can not prevail against the revelation that comes from the my Father, the Spirit. So Peter I give to you the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven. Whatsoever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Tell no one that I am the Christ!

On the day of Pentecost we get to hear Peter’s expression of his rock foundation faith revelation. The people ask the men and brethren, what shall we do?

Peter speaks us, Repent, (think differently) and be baptized (immersed) every one (each and every) of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission (freedom) of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. Save (deliver, protect) yourselves from this untoward (warped, crooked, perverse) generation.

The rock of revelation is faith in Jesus Christ (not a religious system) overcomes, dispels, pushes aside, binds-looses on this earth, and also binds-looses us in heavenly Spirit realm all other leaven-doctrines. Hell can not prevail against you when you are anchored in faith in Jesus Christ.

“I’ve anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I’ll brave. I’ve anchored in Jesus, I fear no wind or wave. I’ve anchored in Jesus, for he hath power to save. I’m anchored in the rock of ages.” Welcome to Jesus Country!

“A Sinner's Prayer”.63

“Welcome to Jesus Country where every sinner in this world “kosmos” is one act of “faith” and one believing prayer, one genuine heart-felt confession away from being translated out of darkness into his marvelous light.

One prayer away from being moved out of “death” into Jesus’ “abundant eternal life”. One prayer away from passing from the dominion of death into the dominion of eternal life.

Where you are, one prayer away from the prison of sin’s unbelief and a being released from the “gates of hell” that have kept me imprisoned.

I am one prayer away from moving from this world's jurisdiction of the 'oppressing spirits and principalities of darkness' into of into the kingdom God’s dear Son.

Pray with me. Pray for your-self. Peter said “Save yourselves from this warped, crooked, perverse generation. (Acts 2:40)

Dear God and Father, Right now in repentance I am changing my mind about you and your Son Jesus. As a sinner, right now, I am asking for forgiveness of my sins. I believe that Jesus lived, died on a cross and rose from the dead that I might have abundant everlasting life.

Right now at this moment, My faith in Jesus Christ has started eternal life working within me. Right now a new Life in Christ begins.

I will find a minister to water baptize me in the name of Jesus for the remission of my sins, and I thank you for the baptism of your Holy Spirit that is promised to me. From this day forward, I will take up my cross and follow you daily.

I pray this prayer in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Jesus Country!

“Deliverance From Bondage”.64

Welcome to Jesus Country where there is deliverance and healing from every Sin, Bondage, and Chain of the darkness of this world of sin.

Welcome to Jesus Country where the Spoken "Word of God" has Creating and Delivering Power.

Welcome to Jesus Country where the "Written Word of God" has Creating and Delivering Power.

Welcome to Jesus Country where the "Literal, Physical,Living Word of God" : Jesus Christ still has Creating and Delivering Power from all forms of Bondage and Sin.

There is a small chorus that says,

Bring all your Needs to the Altar,
Bring all your Cares to the Lord,
He is so Willing and Able to Help You,
Bring all your Needs to the Lord

That means ...

Bring all your Sins to the Altar,
Bring all your Fears to the Lord,
He is so Willing and Able to Help You,
Bring all your Sins to the Lord,

And it also means ...

Bring all your lusts to the Altar
Bring all your sexual-sins to the Lord
He is so Willing and Able to Help You
Bring all your Fornication – Homo-Sexual
–Trans-Gender Confusion Sins to the Lord

Those in Bondage Today ...Mentaly, Psychologically, Physically, Spiritually, and Sexually; can be free to enter Jesus Country if they will:

1 - Make a Commitment to Follow and Pursue Jesus Christ, Taking Up Your Cross Daily.

2 – Fellowship with other Believers

3 - Become an avid Bible Reader

4 - Become fully acquainted in what the Bible teaches (OT / NT) in the passages about sexual deviant life-styles.

5 – Bring your sexuality (outward and inward experiences, mental thoughts, urges, sensations) into harmony with the creator’s design, thoughts, and words. The Word of God!

6 – Recognize that you are surrounded by an unseen world demonic system of evil spirits which entices each human to stray from what God has previously pre-scribed for men and women to live. (ie: Adam and Eve were enticed away from Gods previous directions by the enticing fleshly sensations that were pointed out to them by the serpent, to which they agreed with and yielded to.)

7 – Recognize you are dealing one of the greatest powers of the human flesh! But, this flesh-power is less than the power of God in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost. And you must recognize that this great flesh-power is less than the power of the Word of God – the Bible.

8 – Recognize that sexual sensations and deviations open a doorway for the human psyche to enter into bondage, slavery, and sin. This “portal” exists in both “visual” and “mental pornographic images” and stimulating experiences.

9 – Basically, you must recognize that you are dealing with “spirits”, demons who wish to manipulate your thoughts and your sensations through “internal” mental images, and “external” images and feelings from outward experiences.

10 – You must recognize and treat the literal “Word of God”, the Bible, as the most Powerful Spirit Force in the Universe. You must hold the Written-Spirit “Word of God”, the Bible, as greater than all other written books. You must recognize Spirit of this Book alone is greater than any and all other spirits which a person wrestles with. These spirits try to take a stronghold within your life: mentally, emotionally, sexually, psychologically and spiritually.

Remember - greater is HE (the Spirit Word of God) in me, than the He that is in the World. Each individual must recognize and be persuaded within, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, that the King of darkness loses to the King of Light every time; every day, all day long when faith operates in Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God.

Jesus Christ, the first-born Son, the Living Word of God, delivers people from all forms of sin, from all forms of Religion – Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamism, and even Christian-ism. (?remember come out of her my people)

Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God, delivers people from all Sin, Sickness, Demons, Spirits, Lusts, Un-Forgiveness, Hate, Murder, Drugs, Alcohol, Sexual Dis-Functions, Lusts, Fornication, Homosexuality, Gender Confusion - Dysphoria, Gender-Trans Confusion, Mental Illness, and Pornography. Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God, delivers people from ALL Sin!

Deliverance for believers is only through the power of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Christ, in the authority of Jesus Christ’s name. Everything else is temporal and of man’s psyche.

Welcome to Jesus Country where there is Deliverance from all forms of sin! Deliverance from every chain and bondage of unbelief!