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“The Mark of the Beast”

"And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev. 13:16, 17)

I wish to share with you whythe mark of the beast is not a colossal computer, nor invisible numerals upon people's foreheads or hands, nor read by optical scanners, nor is it buying and selling with "plastic cards", nor 'EFT" (electronic funds transfer), and neither is it worshiping on Sunday. Many have expounded those specific ideas.

Our focus will be somewhat different. We are going to approach the understanding of the mark from a Biblical or spiritual standpoint, ....rather than a literal one.

We will attempt to allow the Scripture to reveal the Mark of the Beast. The understanding that lies the differences between the two covenants within the Bible.

The Holy Spirit's method of revealing understanding and knowledge is quite different than man’s usual educational methods. God's word was written as a puzzle. It is not always sequential or in A. B. C. or 1. 2. 3. order. Man tries to sequence it to help our understanding.

God's way of teaching knowledge is mentioned in Isaiah 28:9-10, "Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whomshall he make to understand doctrine: them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; lineupon line, line upon line; here a little , and there a little.

When God teaches us by the Spirit, ..it is in this fashion. It is a revealing by his Spirit. If it weren't that way, then the theologians and language experts would have an edge over the common believer. You are saying that the theologian and language teacher should not be considered as having the last word on issues? That’s correct! The church is built upon the revelation of the Spirit; .... not degrees, ... not grammar expertise and ...not theology.

Since God wrote the Bible and gave the visions of Revelation; He knows, better than anyone else, what the symbolic language means, ...and in what order or sequence it all fits together. If we simply look further into the scripture, God usually tells us what the language he uses means, ....because he has usually expressed the same idea before, to some other people at some other time.

So we will let the Bible interpret Scripture. It will give you a completely different picture of the Mark of the Beast than the popular one found in the Bible Book Stores. So prepare yourself for maybe a more unusual look at this passage.

"And heca Causeth all bothsmall and great, rich and poor,free and bond.”

It is obvious that the Mark affects All people at all levels of society over the whole earth. No one is exempt because of class, economic status, nor political influence. 'To receive a mark in their right handorin their foreheads:".

This is very similar language to that found when Jehovah instructs Moses and Israel in the keeping of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in Exodus 13:9, "And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine handand for a memorial between thine eyes..that the Lord's law may be strong in thy mouth. If God’s people would keep his Word, or commandments concerning this Feast, then it would markthem in their hand and between their eyes (the middle of the forehead).

An example of Marking is given in Ezekiel as the LORD is pronouncing judgments against Israel. In Ezekiel’s vision he saw men walking through Jerusalem with weapons following another man who had an ink marker. The man with the inkhorn was to "set a mark uponthe foreheadsof the men that sigh and cry, for all the abominations that be done. (Ezk.9:4)

The other 6 men were to follow the marker, killing everyone the writer did not mark. Those that were marked by the angel in Ezekiel's vision were to be preservedin the midst of judgments which were to later come upon Israel during that generation. Those not marked were destroyed.

Neither of the previous two Biblical examples spoke of marks or signs or upon the literalforehead and hands. Both were of a spiritual nature, unseen to the human eye or senses, ...the results of obedience and a godly life.

In Exodus 13; ... keeping God's law and keeping God’s Word marked a person in their hand and between their in eyes.

In Ezekiel; ... the righteous people were marked with ink. Neither of those marks could be seen by people in a mirror. They were of a “spiritual nature”. The angels knew who to send destruction upon in Ezekiel's time. The common man could not see that mark by the ink writer. The Mark was a Spiritual Mark and Invisible to the Natural Eye.

Let me ask you a question? When God marked you as his own and how did he do it? Did he do it physically or literally?

During the times of the Old Testament, men were circumcised literally, ...a mark in their flesh to show they belonged to Jehovah and were in covenant with Him. But in the New Testament, men are circumcised or marked spiritually in their heart, without the hand of a scalpel; it’s an operation of the Spirit of God.

"In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands , in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, ... the operation of God.”(Col. 2:11-12)

You may be aware that the scripture also says that you were sealed with God's seal or mark when you received the Holy Spirit of promise,the gift of the Holy Ghost?

Those of you who believe you have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, go look in the mirror. Do you see the seal-mark of the Spirit? (Eph. 1:13) And "The foundation of God standeth sure, ....the Lord knoweth them that are his. " (2 Tim. 2:19) God can see the seal or mark he's placed upon his own. But the natural eye can not.

In Ezekiel 9:4 the "mark'was a mark or scratching, ....which assured that individual'spreservation, sealing them from the coming time of judgment.

The "mark'in Rev. 13:16 is also a mark, an imprinting, an etching, which identifies that individualas one upon whom is a curse, ...one who is linked with an unfaithful whore, and sealed unto judgment and destruction. Two marks! One mark seals a blessing. The other mark seals a cursing.

At the time of the End, those who serve God and keep his Word are sealed with the Father's Name in their foreheads. Revelation 7 and 14 speaks of these. "Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” "And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mountZionand with hima hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.”(Rev. 7:3,14: 1)

The unfaithful religious folk are sealed with their father's Name also:..the Devil's Name, ..the Beast's Name, ..the Harlot's Name, ..and it is also in their foreheads.

Rev. 13 speaks of it; "And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that, had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. " (Rev. 13:16-17) "And they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name " (Rev 14:11)

It does seem appropriate that God marks and seals his righteous, just as the Devil marks and seals his followers, the unfaithful to Christ. Both groups sealed! Both groups marked!

"in their right hand"

In scripture, the right handnumerous times represents "strength', "power", and the "authority' of God.

"Thy right hand, OLORD, is become glorious in power." (Ex.15:6) "Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, "(Matt. 26:64) "and set him at his ownright handin the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might,” (Eph. 1:20-21)

In Deuteronomy 33:2 the right hand represents the place from which came God's Law..., ”from hisright handwent a fiery law”. Jacob's right hand was the instrument of divine ordination as he laid his hands upon his two grandsons and prayed for them. The right hand was upon Ephraim. (Gen. 48:13-18)

Remember, the right hand (thumb, toe & ear) were anointed during rites of consecration, sanctification, and cleansing of the Old Testament priesthood. (Ex.29:20, Lev23..)

The Right Hand is also referred to when "the right hands of fellowship' (Gal. 2:9) were given to Paul and Barnabus by James, Cephas, and John to acknowledge their ministry to the Gentiles.

The Scripture speaks of the right handin relationship to strength, power and authority, God's Law, divine ordination, anointing for consecration, and brotherly fellowship.

“the number of his name”

Everything in the New Testament is spiritual and of the Spirit. Faith in the shed blood of the Lamb Jesus is invisible built on invisible faith. Yet, faith is revealed by our actions. As the Old Testament saints lived their physical lives in a physical promise land, we people of the New Testament live spiritual lives in a spiritual land of promises, spiritually washed in the Blood of the Lamb Jesus, born again, anew of the Spirit. It all takes place in the unseen regions of the Spirit. Where the natural man can not go; only the spiritual man or woman can enter this New Covenant Spiritual reality which moves us spiritually out of this world’s (kosmos) kingdom of darkness into His Marvelous Kingdom Light. It all takes place outside of the human perceptions of man’s natural mind, natural eye-sight, and natural hearing.

Do not look for physical numbers tattooed on anyone’s fore-head. Six is the number of man who was created on the 6 th day.

Threeshows up so many times in God’s provisions. Three stories in the Noah’s Ark. Three areas in the OT Tabernacle: the Court, the Holy Place, the Holiest of Holies. Three expressions of ministry governance: priest, prophet, and king. God created man a body, a soul, and a spirit. God working in Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Man (6) acting as God (3) of their life. It’s the spirit of the beast. So many today are walking expressing themselves as the god (3) of their natural man (6) life. It should not surprise us that the day would come when man would rebel against his creator, declaring themselves as the God of themselves.

Look closely and you will see by their character that they respect no God outside of themselves. 666 is when man (6) declares himself to be the god (3) of his being. They that sow to the wind are reaping even now the whirlwind. The (666) mark of the beastly spirit is already here. You should be able to you see it?

"in the forehead".

The forehead, the prominent part of the head, or amid face, is spoken of in scripture as the place where God sealshis saints for security and preservation . (Ezek.9:4, Rev.7:3)

In Exodus 28:38 the High Priests mitre says "Holiness To The LORD” and was to be worn upon the Priests forehead.(Ex.28:38)

The forehead also speaks of unholy desires, such as an unfaithful spirit when Jeremiah 3:3 states to God's people, that "the showers have been with-holden and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hast a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed."

Within the forehead exists a pattern of values, a system of thought-life, and a mind-set much different and opposite of the thought-life and the mind of Holiness in a virtuous Woman. An unfaithful woman's forehead or mind is driven by Satan's word (which is simply a perversion of God's Word). A Holiness forehead or mind operates from God's principles, in line with God’s Word.

The forehead in scripture speaks to us righteously of: ...sealing, ...preservation, ...and Holiness unto the Lord. The forehead also reveals an ungodly character; such as: an unfaithful, un-virtuous, and whorish spirit.

Isaac's Bride Rebekah was marked as His bride in her Hand and Forehead / face.

"At the time of the evening”Eleazar found a bride for the Master's son, Isaac, and gave Rebekah "a golden earring "(a jewel for her head /face) - see Bible margin) "and two bracelets for her hands”. (Gen.24:11,22)

Eleazar relates this to Rebekah's brother in Gen. 24:47 when he said "I put the earring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands." The son's Bride was marked at evening time upon her forehead/face and hands. So it should not be surprising if Jesus' Bride does not become marked in her forehead and hands atevening (end of the age) time, too.

It becomes clear from looking into the scriptures that what God means by a mark in the forehead and handmeans something entirely different than what the natural mind thinks.

Spiritually, a mark in the forehead,refers to a person's values, virtues, thoughts, character, will, mind and understanding. We are what we think.

Spiritually, a mark in the right hand refers to a person's anointing, consecration, and fellowship. We can disagree with someone but have fellowship for a common goal or purpose.

With the Ecumenical attitude of universal unity in the church today, one can see why God warns us about getting our thinking straight, and to be mindful of our fellowship. God is concerned about His church at the Endtime.

God knew that many believers would become interwoven into the religious fabric of a confused corrupt Christian religious system, ...Babylon.(Babylon represents religious confusion within Christianity.)

The Spirit said that the Beast is in the House. That’s the house of God. The word Whore was the best term God could use to describe the religious apostasy of many of His people. (Whore represents a female who can't be faithful to one man. This represents those believers within Christianity who can't be faithful to God's Word, to Jesus Christ, God’s one Word Man..)

The Spirit of God condemns the religious confusion of Christianity at the end-time and calls unto his people to separate themselves in thought and fellowship.

Listen to God's voice in Revelation 18: 2, 4

"Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. ' "I heard another voice fromheaven saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. "

You should see that the Endtime is when a separation from the spirit of religious ecumenical confusion is most important for God's church. It will decide whether we will be judged with the foolish virgins and the worldly confused religious spirit which works in Christianity.

A mark can be given in the forehead or in the right hand! “ And that no man might buy or sell, .."

When we look into the Scriptural meaning of buying and selling ­ in the scriptures we again come upon a quite different “merchandizing concept” than that of groceries, clothing, and hardware. Watch.

Proverbs 23:23 speaks of buying and selling the truth, “Buy the truth and sell it not.”

Isaiah also spoke of buying in 55:1, “Ho, everyone that thirsteth come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.”

What kind of water, wine and milk does God speak of that can be bought without money or price? Jehovah was speaking of salvation being for sale without price for all who would come and buy. A buying and selling of the truth of God only can satisfy the thirsty and hungry soul of man.

Jesus spoke of buying and selling oil in Matthew 25:9 when the five foolish virgins were told, “but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves".

The foolish virgins took their lamps but no extra oil. It is understood that the oil represents the Holy Spirit in scripture. In 1st Samuel 10 when Saul is anointed with oil, the Spirit of God comes upon on him. It is even clearer in 1st Samuel 17-13 that the oil represents the anointing of the Spirit.

"Then Samuel took the, horn of oil arid anointed him in the midst of his brethren and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from day forward.”

The Lord Jesus made it clear in Matthew 24 and 25 that right in the middle of all the events leading up to the 2nd return of Jesus Christ at the End of time; that a portion of God's people would not have enough oil for spiritual light. Not enough Spiritual enlightenment to keep shining brightly so they could go out to meet the Bridegroom at midnight.

So the five foolish are instructed to "go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves." They need something greater than kerosene lamp oil. It is Holy Spirit Oil which can not be bought at any physical store. It is that born again, new creation life, which is only 'sold" during the preaching of the gospel and is "bought" with repentance and submission to the Word of God; .... without the price of money.

Jesus spoke of buying and selling again in Revelation 3:18 as he counseled the lukewarm Laodicean church to come and buy gold which he had for sale. “I counsel thee to buy of me”, he said.

Of course, it is plain that he was speaking figuratively or spiritually of gospel righteousness, and not merchandising of literal lamp oil.

Jesus has something to sell to those who think they have all the Godliness they need. He has "gold tried in the fire" which makes us rich in God and clothes us in righteousness so that the shame of our carnality does not appear.

1st Cor 3:12 shows us that each believer can build spiritually upon the foundation of Jesus Christ in their lives. They can build that which represents value and riches to God which is portrayed as "gold, silver, and precious stones” or they can build with perishable unstable things of "wood, hay and stubble.

The precious stones and metals can withstand the fires of God, while the other can't. The fire of God burns away impurities from the precious metals; yet at the same time the fireconsumes everything of the "wood, hay and stubble.”

Job saw this in 23: 10 , "He knoweth the way that I take; when he hath tried me' I shall come forth as gold. "

The Spirit speaks in Zechariah 13:9 again of the fulfillment of his divine purpose in out lives as of "gold tried in the fire. " "And I will bring the third part through the fire and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried.”

Buying and selling in scripture refers to different facets of walking in fellowship with God, and...of eating and drinking of salvation’s free eternal life, at no literal cost or charge to acquire the Truth and not letting it go. There are those of Christ who possess enough oil of the Holy Spirit for light on their path at the midnight. These prepare before-time acquiring spiritual righteousness as impurities are burnt out of our lives.

The term “buy”in scripture means; "to go to market, to purchase, to create, to procure, to own by purchase”.

A deliberate decision is made by an individual before he or she can make a purchase or acquire an item. That's true naturally in the world and it is also true in God. "Go ye rather to themthat Sell and Buy for yourselves " (Matt 25:9) and "I counsel thee to Buy of Me(Rev 3:18) “Buy the Truth and sell it not” (Prov 23:23)

Both of these statements are spoken to people who think they have enough of Holy Ghost anointing OIL to sustain them. Yet the Lord makes it clear they need to go and acquire some more of God. Go get it! Buy it! Where?

Buying and Selling of the things of God takes place when we are seeking to lay hold upon the truth of God for our souls. This does not take place at Krogers, Winn-Dixie, Wal-Mart or the Mall.

Buying and Selling of truth and righteousness usually takes place in a church meeting where gospel truth of Christ is being presented. This One element is always present in the atmosphere of the preaching of the Word of God by God called ministers.

no man might buy or sell except"

The power or ability to buy or sell is linked to a requirement. Everyone is restricted from buying or selling except or unless they satisfy the qualification.

If buying and selling refers to the things of Godliness and truth, then we can expect that there will be end-time restrictions : ...upon acquiring the truth of God's Word.

Presently there is so much restriction upon buying and selling of the gospel truth of God placed upon people worldwide. It’s not obvious or overt. It is very subtle. Just like the serpent in the garden. Most Subtle of all the beasts. So much preaching. It’s almost become a cultural decision thing, without people really experiencing a new spiritual birth.

When was the last time you heard a television evangelist preach what Peter started this kingdom preaching off with.

Ac 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

Ac 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

Ac 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Ac 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

They can’t preach it. But there is a people who do and will. These are not listening to subtle pressure to not preach the same message the early apostles of the New Testament preached.

Those who have been Born Again of the Water and Spirit will not submit to any restrictions on the gospel. They will continue to preach that same message and that same Jesus who has not changed on iota in 2000 years. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.

Some peoplewill submit to it.Some will not accept this restriction upon their buying and selling of the gospel; 'they will persist in buying and selling without the mark.

They have "gotten the victory over theBeast, and over his image, andover his mark, and over the number of his name." (Rev 15:2)

Many of Christ’s church will continue to preach and teach Bible salvation and righteousness, ...just as the Apostles did. And preach it just like the Bible says. Of course those who get this victory must go upstream against the majority. They will buck the Apostate churches' popular majority opinion. No matter how high the price.

A portion, “five virgins” will submit to the restrictions placed upon the church by the anti-christ spirit of Apostasy. They will compromise the truth; but what type of message and power will their weakened gospel produce? There lamps will go out.

Remember the other “five virgins” will continue to preach and uplift Jesus Christ and their lamps will not go out.

What kind of truth do we have to share with lost sinful world if our spirit seeks fellowship with that same lukewarm Ecumenical Religious spirit and corrupt confusion which saturates so much of Christianity today?

Subtly, Satan's power ultimately wants to control the pulpit messenger. Once this occurs, the spiritual power to change lives is removed from the gospel. It becomes a religion, without a new birth. It becomes a mental decision, a joining of a club. It’s adecision that makes good sense. But it is not a life changing crisis conversion experience that accompanies birth ir a born again experience!

A restricted gospel is one that pleases the ears of man more than God. It becomes a message of mixture, of lust and pride without a crucified life.

Restrictions upon the Gospel takes various forms.

Some are Open and blatant restrictions; while others are hidden and subtle.

Open & Blatant Restrictions. The Jews of the New Testament attempted to restrict the apostolic message in the book of Acts, but it was to no avail. Persecution nor death deterred them, ....they kept on telling the good news of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Ghost. In fact, the church has always progressed during adversity.

After the Apostles passed off the scene, believers were forced in that day to acknowledge the Church power structure and its doctrines as truth to receive license to preach the gospel. Ministers were not allowed to follow the Holy Spirit if it deviated in any manner from the precepts sanctioned by the Ruling Church Bishops and Hierarchy. If you kept preaching openly, you had to knuckle under. Millions were persecuted and martyred because they would not yield.

During the days of the conception of the Methodist Revival in England; the Anglican Church of England closed its church doors to the Wesley brothers and George Whitefield. They became illegal preachers -- called "Irregulars'.

So they preached 'illegally" to thousands in the fields of England, and often with persecution. They did not compromise the gospel message of Truth or there would not have been a great awakening and harvest of souls.

Hidden and Subtle Restrictions.As the Apostles died and their influence waned, it was not many generations until the gospel message lost its power to change the sinful heart and became merely a religious persuasion. Many believers did not realize in those early centuries that the diluted gospel they were hearing was far from that gospel which had been preached in the book of Acts in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.

Churches expanded and proselytes grew in number. The faith that was once given unto the saints was being lost, although a gospel was being preached. The Holy Spirit exhorted them to "earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 3)

The plan of salvation lost the new birth experience of the gift of the Holy Ghost which came to Jerusalem at Pentecost, and to Cornelius' home in Caesarea, to Paul in Damascus, and to the Ephesians when the truth was expounded to them more perfectly.

The gospel message became diluted or weakened in doctrine and power. Yet the church kept preaching and expanding. Yet all the time, a similar gospel, yet so unlike, that of the 1st century church was being preached.

Many knew there was a greater measure of original truth to preach, but they were intimidated by the spirit of their age, intimidated by their peers, intimidated by the law, and by the overwhelming prevailing churchy law system . So many who knew better just went along with the status quo; ... so not to be singled out for harassment or persecution.

During this 20th century we have seen the churches of World War II Germany compromise with the Nazis to keep their doors open. They accepted restrictions upon their worship, message and expounding of truth. Communist Russia did the same with its State Churches. If preachers and ministries fell in line with the political winds, and popular doctrines, their church doors could remain open. They did but their message became anemic and weak. ....Far from the faith once delivered to the saints.

Now it has become very subtle. The preaching of the whole counsel of God's Truth at this present time puts you in the place of less favor with the ecumenical winds which want to make all of Christianity into one big happy family. There is a universal unity spirit working among all that profess the name of Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit of Jehovah is not behind it.

God is concerned and cries for his people to come out of this tidal wave of influence which carries men away from the truth of His Word.

Thus saith the Lord, ....ministry brother or lay-member ...the binds and restrictions will become more restrictive than just peer pressure or religious pressure. Each of you will have to choose to either compromise the preaching of the gospel or become uncooperative with the formal religious ecumenical community of Christianity.

Christianity's corrupt systems and lukewarm church folk work together formally and informally in one spirit to wield pressureagainst the true saints to relax their grip on the Truth. Even a political sword (the eight kingdom)will be used to bring the earth and the Bride into greater captivity. Some will know better than to cooperate, but they will see no other alternative. They will think that all their labors for the Lord are at stake.

Many won’t be able to see any rational way out, other than adapting to the IMAGE which the majority of the christian community is agreeing to project. Pray my friend that you will have the power to make the right decision now and

“Come Out of Her My People”who havegotten the victory over the Beast and over his mark "

Praise God,there will be those who will have "gotten the victory over the Beast, and over his image, and over his mark and over the number of his name ." (Rev. 15:2) They will be of the caliber of that 7000 group Jehovah told Elijah had not kissed nor bowed their knee to the Baal of his day.

They will not bow to a lukewarm, mingled, mixed ecumenical apostate church spirit of this End-time. This end-time 7000 club will refuse to submit to the pressure to compromise with the doctrines and prevailing spirit of most gospel churches majoring upon so many Spirit manifestations and religious trappings, ....yet lacking a holding to Truth, Separation, and a Cross with Sacrifice.

They can’t preach the message of the preacher who had the keys and opened the door of salvation that day at Pentecost. Acts 2:38

They will refuse truth and accepta gospel which preaches and teaches a gospel that pleases the ears of the listeners, and satisfies the flesh; ... but does not proclaim the original message and faith the apostles preached in the New Testament.

Jesus said that there would come a time when a certain trial or temptation would face the whole world, ....not just one church, one city, or one nation.

The way out of this trial or temptation would not be to manifest the power of the Holy Spirit; but to live the truth of God's Word . Revelation 3:10 expresses it clearly, "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. "

Brother or Sister, we are at the End-time. It is Harvest time. A time to return to the original seed. Each of us should have our spiritual ear open to the voice of the Spirit of God as he is encouraging his people to draw closer to the truth, doctrine, faith, and Spirit of the original New Testament church.

Remember no one has been able to improve upon the reply in Acts 2 to the question of "What Shall We Doto be saved?" “Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the nameof Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. " (Acts2:38 )

“Come outof Her,My People, that ye be not partakersof hersins, and that ye receive notof Herplagues." (Rev. 18:4)Nor receive theMark of the Beast in the forehead or in the right hand.

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