Table of Contents
Welcome to "The Table of the Lord". It is spread before all man-kind to partake and receive sustenance for daily living and walking in the Spirit with Jesus. His Table is prepared for you and me, whosoever will; but it is prepared in the face of your enemy. By faith. Take and Eat. Be Blessed!
"Welcome to Jesus Country"
The Kingdom of God came into existence nearly 2000 years ago with Jesus Christ as King. It came powerfully within the hearts of men and women. It also came invisibly, beyond any perception or perceptual device known to humans. The Kingdom exists invisibly and is constituted out of mind, out off sight, out of this world's comprehension on a completely different realm of existence than human nature and perception beyond all of flesh man's faculties. Only those who are born again, receiving the Spirit of the Son - Jesus Christ within their nature, even know that it exists. They are the only one who can see or perceive it.
In fact, many followers of Jesus, think the Kingdom is merely something that will exist after they die. They don't realize that the kingdom comes within, without observation within the heart. Man's flesh sensual perceptions just don't know that there is a heavenly dimension existing here, right now; known only to those born of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This is not religion.
Here are many notes, thoughts, applicable scriptures, and understandings which are available to any and all who come to faith in Jesus Christ. Try this. Treat the following descriptions and observations about the Kingdom of God, just as you would any other travel brochure which you might peruse to consider visiting their culture, the people, and life-style of those who live there. Welcome to Jesus Country!