Note: All Documents are PDF files… while All Video files are MP4 files

Kingdom - School

The Kingdom of God came into existence nearly 2000 years ago with Jesus Christ as King. It came powerfully within the hearts of men and women. It also came invisibly, beyond any perception or perceptual device known to humans. Since the Kingdom exists invisibly it is also constituted out of mind, out off sight, out of this world’s comprehension on a completely different realm of existence than human nature and perception beyond all of flesh man’s faculties Only those who are born again receiving the Spirit of the Son - Jesus Christ within their nature even know that it exists. In fact, many followers of Jesus do not know or comprehend the Kingdom either. Man flesh sensual perceptions just don’t know that there is a heavenly dimension existing here, right now; known only to those born of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

This document contains my notes, thoughts, applicable scriptures, and understandings which are available to any and all who come to faith in Jesus Christ. Treat the following descriptions and observations about a Kingdom that exists, just as you would about any travel brochure which you might peruse to consider the culture, the people, and life-style of the peoples who live there.

Kingdom Template

1-Introduction to the Kingdom

2-Kingdom Overview

3-Kingdom Anchors

4 - Kingdom Daily Life

5- When God’s Kingdom Comes To You

6- Kingdom Present Realities In Christ

Abraham Isaac & Jacob



Baptism without Scripture

Battle for Victory


Blessings in Revelation

Book of Revelation

Christ & the Book of Revelation

Christ Full-Fills 70 Weeks

Christ in Isaiah

Christ In Revelation

Christ the Curriculum of God

Christ Explains It All

Christ the Emphasis

Christ the End of the Law

Christ the Eternal Purpose of God

Christ's Spirit - He is Back

Christ the Message

Christ the Measure

Christ the Paradox

Christ the Theme1

Christ the Theme2

Christ’s Kingdom Came

Daily Confession

Daily Life in the Kingdom

Deliberate Decision for Deliverance

Dominion School

Death - Life - Resurrection

Eagles and their Rock

Elijah and Elisha

End of the Law

Eternal Purpose of God

Ezekiel’s Kingdom Temple

Ezekiel’s Kingdom Temple-MP4

Family in the Kingdom

Father’s Business

Father’s Business-MP4

Father’s Love & Goodness

Father’s Desire for His Children

Father’s Nature Revealed

Good Kingdom Word

Good Kingdom Word-1-MP4

Good Kingdom Word-2-MP4

Good Kingdom Word-3-MP4

Good News - 70 Weeks Ended-MP4

Gospel of Self

Glorious Now

Government-Reigning Now


Hearing Heaven’s Broadcast

He Is Talking To Me

His Abiding Glory

Holy Ghost Baptism


Holy Ghost Baptism


Israel of God

Inheritance - Contend -Dwell

Inheritance School


Jacob’s Trouble

Jesus Is With Me

Jesus Passover Pentecost Tabernacles


Kingdom Anchors - MP4

Kingdom vs Church

Kingdom Came In Christ

Kingdom Comes - He Comes

Kingdoms - Contrasting 2 Kingdoms

Kingdom - Daily Life in the Kingdom

Kingdom Daily Life - MP4

Kingdom Entering

Kingdom Established Within

Kingdom in Fullness

Kingdom Good Word

Kingdom Government

Kingdom Identity

Kingdom Inheritance

Kingdom Inheritance 1 - MP4

Kingdom Inheritance 2 - MP4

Kingdom Introduction-MP4

Kingdom Overview 1 - MP4

Kingdom Overview 2 - MP4

Kingdom OverComing

Kingdom Parallels

Kingdom Parallels - MP4

Kingdom Preface

Kingdom Preface - MP4

Kingdom School

Kingdom School 1 - MP4

Kingdom School 2 - MP4

Kingdom School 3 - MP4

Kingdom Reflections

Kingdom - Seeing the Kingdom

Kingdom Violence

Kingdom Warfare


Last Time - Latter Days

Last Week

Law of Life

Law of Life vs Law of Death

Life Manifested in Christ

Love 1st & Foremost


Managing What God Has Given(G Hyde) - MP4


Our Father Revealed

Our Father Revealed 1 - MP4


Now Realities


O.T. Quotations in the N.T.


Psalms Voice Words Mouth

Potter & the Clay

Pentecost & It’s Meaning

Pentecost Through-Out History


Present Realities



Reigning Life - Life Reigns

Rhema vs Logos

Revelation - A Book of Contrasts

Revelation of Jesus Within


God School-MP4

God’s Redemption School
Redemption School

Restoration School

Why Christian Schools?

Wilderness School-1

Wilderness School-2

Kingdom School

Inheritance School

Dominion School


Sons -Son-Ship-1st Born

Spirit of Christ


Table of the Lord

Testimony and the Ark


Weapons of the Spirit

When God’s Kingdom Comes

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