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Articles by Gary Hyde

The 8th Beast

Chapter 1: Satan Bound...
Preface - Satan Bound - Judgment Set - Thrones - 1000 Years - Reigning - Priests - Kings - 1st Resurrection - 2nd Death

Chapter 2: The 5th Trumpet - The Pit is Opened...
Pit Opens with Smoke - Church Returned - See What's Opened - Iniquity Abounds - Devil Loosed(the 8th) - Deceiving Signs Given Life - Prosperity Deceives - Nations Gathered - Anointed Pass - Saints Surrounded - Smoke & Locusts

Chapter 3: The 6th Trumpet Army...
Coming Army - Trumpet Sounded - River Dried Up - Lying Spirits Loosed - Beast Army Flood - Three Movements - Charismatic - Word of Faith - Prosperity - Church Flooded - Can't Sell or Buy

Chapter 4: Heavens Shaking...
Christ 1st Shaking - Type of Natural Israel - The Church - Days of Vengence - Church Shakening

Chapters 1-4...



The Eighth Beast



I have written this message as a way of collecting and preserving the thoughts that the Lord has given me about the times we are living in today. Most theologians and Bible teachers are preaching about things that are to happen in the future and they cannot see what is happening in this present time.

In this article there are four messages, they are

We do not ignore the fact that there are judgments upon the wicked of this world; we do not ignore the fact that there are judgments against the powers of Satan when he is cast into the earth. But if you don’t see what is happening to you and the Church today, then when the judgment begins on the world, it will be too late for you to prepare your garment. There is another message of the first four trumpets in the “Last Days of the Church” that was written before this article.

It is sad to say, but some will not understand the following messages. Is it because they do not have the Spirit of Christ teaching them or is it because they will not pray about something, that doesn’t fit with their theology. May God bless you with ears to hear what the Spirit has to say to the Church.

This article was written by Gary Hyde, any questions please contact me at garyhyde@tds.net.

Chapter 1

Satan Was Bound by the Gospel

All my life I have heard that Satan was to be bound sometime in the future, during the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ.

First, I would like to take the time to show how the scriptures teach that Satan is already bound by chains in a pit of darkness and is to be loosed during these last days.

Secondly, a review of a few scriptures allows us to see that Jesus is now, at this current time, reigning on the Throne of David over the Heavenly Jerusalem. We are now living in the Day of the Lord or the Thousand Year Reign of Christ within this world. That does not take away from any future fulfilling of these verses, but if you can not see the spiritual fulfilling, you will not be prepared for the battle that is ahead for the church during the last days.

Thirdly, those who have received Christ’s Spirit, are also currently reigning with him through the operation of the Holy Ghost within their lives by becoming partakers of the first resurrection of the Spirit. Those who have gone on and we which are alive are both waiting for the next resurrection of the body unto eternal immortality with Christ forever.

Fourthly, the books have already been opened and judgment has already been set.

Lastly, Satan is being loosed to deceive the nations and believers in such a manner that he has not had the power to do since the time of Christ.

In Revelation it says….

Rev 20:1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Satan Was Bound 2000 Years Ago

Isaiah prophesied of this in…

Isa 24:21,22 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

That is what happened to Satan when Jesus said in…

Luk 10:17-19 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Jh 12:31 …now shall the prince of this world be cast out, and if I be lifted up…

Peter and Jude both agree that this event has already happened and that it is not something that is to happen in the future.

2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

When we look at these scriptures, we have to acknowledge that Satan is bound today and does not have free course like he did before Calvary. You might say that if Satan is bound, then what about all the powers of darkness that are making our world more sinful and corrupt each day?

The best way to explain this is to imagine a large, dangerous animal on a chain. This chained animal has authority over only the territory within the reach of his chain. Beyond the reach of that chain, he has no dominion and no authority. But, though limited, can still induce fear, attract, invite and entice his prey to approach closer to within his grasp.

Paul says the gospel of Jesus Christ, is the power of God in Rom 1:16. This gospel power has the ability and authority to cast Satan down and bind Satan from that person. Any individual who has believed in the power of Christ’s gospel is delivered from the power of darkness… Col 1:13. Also in 1 Cor 1:18 the preaching of the Cross is the power of God, it can break every chain Satan can put on our life. He no longer has the ability to lead people astray or deceive the believer; as long as that believer stays out of the Satan’s reach and is not seduced into his arena.

Jesus and the Apostles warned us how to stay out of his grasp. Our deliverance is through: …obedience to God …loving your enemies …not yielding our members to unrighteousness …walking after the spirit and many other teachings.

Before the time of Christ, man had no power or ability to stop the work of Satan. Now thru Jesus Christ, believers in Christ cast out devils and keep their body from being a tabernacle for Satan to work in.

The world and the unbelievers have no power over the devil. As people live in the darkness of sin and the pit of corruption, the devil is having his way, as his will drives and motivates their lives. Before the good news of Jesus was preached, the devil was able to deceive the world and religion into believing that their religious practices were alright and pleasing God. But now through the Word of God and the witness of the Spirit, Satan can no longer deceive people who have a love for the truth. When it becomes the case that people love not the truth, at that point, they slip into the devil’s territory and are overcome.

Judgment Has Been Set In This World

Dan 7:10 …the judgment was set, and the books were opened

This is not reference to the book of life, but rather a reference to Jesus’ preaching which opened the scriptures, from Genesis to Malachi, to a people who sat in darkness. Just like he did when he walked with some disciples on the road to Emmaus, burning their hearts within, expounded unto them about himself within the scriptures of Moses and the Prophets. Luke 24:27

Jesus said in…

John 9:39 …For judgment I come into this world, that they which see not might see and that they which see might be made blind.

John 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world…

John 16:7-10 ..the Comforter will reprove or convince the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment…. Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

There should not be a question within the hearts of a believer that Jesus came and exposed sin and revealed righteousness in a way that the law could not do. Since that time, over the past 2,000 years, the world has been judged or reproved of sin in their lives, all because they do not believe on Jesus Christ. If people truly did believe, they would leave the works of darkness and follow after the light of Jesus Christ.

Thrones Established

Luk 1:32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

Isa 9:7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever….

Isa 16:5 And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.

I hope you see from the scriptures, that the Throne which Jesus is sitting on was established during the preaching of Jesus Christ. It was later confirmed by the Apostles and witnessed through the Holy Spirit within the early church. Jesus’ sceptre or rod that he rules with was set forth by his doctrine of righteousness, which revealed the works of unrighteousness.

Today, Jesus is sitting on the Throne of David with all power in heaven and earth and has brought judgment to both mankind and judgment to the powers of darkness. Some are only looking for the Throne of David to be a natural throne in the natural Israel in the Middle East. Now we may not fully understand all God will do, but if Jesus sits on a throne in natural Israel, then being a natural Israelites will not give one a right to enter the city of Jerusalem. Why, because no unclean thing will be able to enter in and all mankind is unclean in heart and spirit until they have become clean through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, making it necessary to be born again into the Spiritual Kingdom, so one can enter the City of God where Jesus now sits upon the Throne of David.

Please remember that this Day of Salvation or dispensation of the Gospel is Jesus ruling with a rod of mercy. The time will come for the Day of Vengeance, when Christ will rule with a rod of iron.

Mat 19:28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel

Jesus told the Apostles that they would also sit upon thrones during the time of regeneration. I would like for you to see that we have been in this time of regeneration for 2,000 years. The teachings of the Apostles have become our written guide and reference of how we will be judged in that day according to their gospel which has been preached to us.

Yes, there will be some that will say this is only for natural Israel, but they are blind. The teachings of Jesus Christ and his Apostles gives us only one Shepherd and one fold, which is neither Jew nor Gentile, ….just one nation of God’s people.

How Long is a Thousand Years?

This “thousand years” passage is another look at the saints overcoming and reigning in Christ and thru Christ spiritually within their lives during this Day of the Lord. Search the scriptures and you will see that when God speaks of a thousand generations or a thousand hills, he is not referencing to a specific number, but rather he is speaking of an unlimited number that may have an end sometime. Similarly, when the scriptures point to the Day of the Lord, it does not mean literal 24 hours period. No, it refers to a period of time, which God has chosen to not define exactly by putting upon it a limited number of days or years.

Psa 50:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

Deu 7:9 … which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

1Ch 16:15 Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations;

Psa 105:8 He hath remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.

I Saw Persecuted Souls Who Overcame

Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

The New Testament saints were persecuted and their faith tested in many ways. In Revelation through the church ages, the Lord brings out battles, tests, trials, etc that he wants his saints to overcome. This above passage is describing a people of God that have stood for the testimony of the Gospel and the Spirit of Jesus Christ in their life. During their walk with God, they overcome the devil, religion, the beast system, false doctrine etc. It is not a check list that ever individual has met, but rather it shows a group of people who have remained true to the calling of Christ during their lifetime’s walk with him. This is about an overcoming people who lived during this Days of Salvation and not about a people living for the whole thousand year’s span of time. There are no scriptures or types in the Word pointing to saints living a thousand years and not yet immortal.

Reigning with Christ

Paul said it this way,

Rom 5:21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Each believer should understand that while we lived in sin, we once reigned or ruled with unrighteousness in our life unto our own destruction. But now thru Jesus Christ we reign in righteousness unto eternal life. Look at it this way. Jesus came unto us having all authority given unto him of things in heaven and earth. He not only fulfilled the call of God in his life, but he also reigned in his natural life. In like manner, believers filled with the Spirit of Christ also are given earthly and heavenly authority over their life, home, family, spiritual enemies, Satan, and etc. I will not take the time to show and explain how Christ has given us power and authority over devils, things in our life, and even our bodies. Enough probably has been said so you can understand.

We've Been Made Priests

He says in this passage in Revelation not only that we will reign with him, but also how we will reign.

Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years

If we take a moment and review the Old Testament, we will recall that God set up a priesthood from the family of Levites to take care of all the natural care of the tabernacle and the temple. They took care of receiving the people’s offerings, and instructing the people in the laws given to them thru Moses. In Mal. 3:1-3, there is a prophecy of John the Baptist (the messenger to prepare the way), and of Jesus (the messenger of the covenant). It says that Jesus would refine and purify the sons of Levi so they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.

This passage in Malachi was not fulfilled in the natural priesthood, but in a spiritual priesthood as Peter said in…

1Pe 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

We have a high priest called Jesus Christ and we are his priesthood, helping people bring their spiritual offerings to the altar. This New Testament priesthood is very similar to the Old Testament priesthood. We now offer up offerings and sacrifices unto God for our own lives and for those of others. There are different responsibilities and positions, some in the holy place, some work in the altars and some are the congregation who support all of this work, so that God’s people can fulfill his spiritual purposes.

We Have Been Made Kings

Rev 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Rev 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Apostle John stated very clearly that Jesus as the King of Kings has also made us Kings and Priest unto God, not we shall be, but has made us already. Christ has not given us this authority of dominion and power for the world to see, but rather it is for his kingdom.

You might recall in the Old Testament after the Israelites came out of Egypt, the Israelites were given a land to conquer and take dominion over it. They drove most of the inhabiters out of the land as they were instructed, but a few remained to tempt God’s people. We often sing songs about Canaan the promise land, as a place where we fight battles, get hurt, where we overcome, where we worship and serve God. Along with this land of promise came a warning to Israel to keep God’s laws and walk upright. God dI'd not want his people to walk and live as those nations which they conquered. Who all polluted the land with their idolatrous life-styles before Canaan was conquered by Israel. This analogy relates to the natural land of Israel as to the spiritual land of the believer.

Before we gave our life to God, our body and soul, along with our mind, will and emotions all combined to form a spiritually polluted land from which each sinner served other Gods. Now thru the leadership of Jesus Christ we have the ability, authority and power to drive out all the inhabitants, so we the believer, can serve the Lord all our days. It should be understood that within the believers, there continues to remain a certain amount of fleshly, natural life which continually opposes Christ’s Spirit in us. These temptations of the flesh and trials of the wicked one are to test and try us. If we will walk as Kings with dominion over our life, and continue to be willing and obedient to God as we resist the enemy, we will receive and live in this promise, that we will eat the good of the land, Is 1:19.

Partakers of the First Resurrection

If you will recall, Jesus said in…

Joh 3:5 … Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Paul speaks in his epistles that the believers…

Paul tells us that this newness of life in Jesus Christ, which we call, being born again or being filled with the Holy Ghost, is a resurrection from being dead in sin. Also, this first resurrection does not mean that the resurrection of the dead is past, it is still to come when the last trumpet sounds.

Second Death Has No Power

The scriptures tell us the second death, known as the lake of fire, has no power over those who are part of the first resurrection. This second death is mentioned again in the Smyrna church age when the saints are being tested, tried, and put to death.

Rev 2:11 ….He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Jesus gave this promise to those believers who would believe and live in him. They would become partakers of his resurrection and his life thru their relationship with Jesus. They were given a promise that they would never die.

Joh 11:25, 26 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

Hosea spoke of it in another way…

Hos 6:2, 3 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

Each believer must experience death, burial and resurrection with Christ or they will not be able to receive these promises. This passage in Hosea does not represent a thousand years per day as some ministers teach. The scripture says …if they continue on to follow and know the Lord. We have been doing that since we first came unto Jesus and received his rain in our life. If we will die with him and be buried with him, he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight. Then if we continue to follow the Lord he will send to us the times of refreshing.

To further illustrate that there is a spiritual resurrection thru faith in Christ and there is a natural resurrection of the physical body. Let’s look at the promise in the Old Testament of the resurrection of the dead that Martha was referring to in John.

Dan 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

You should see that this scripture in Daniel was not fulfilled when Jesus came forth from the grave, for Matthew says that only the saints came out of the grave with him and not the wicked.

Mat 27:52, 53 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

But we do see a fulfilling of the passage in Hosea when he said some would rise with him on the third day and that if they continued with him, they would receive refreshing rains upon their life.

We do not see this on the saints that literally came out of the graves with Jesus, for there were no comments that the resurrected saints remained on the earth. Nor would it have been practical for them to choose to continue with him, since they were already raised from the dead. But it is mentioned in the scriptures, that the believers of Jesus Christ, who fulfill the gospel, are resurrected in a spiritual sense unto a new life, a new creation, and by continuing on with him, will receive rains of refreshing from the Lord.

We may conclude by saying, if we will obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ and walk on to further know him in this life, we will:


Let us summarize our thoughts on this subject. Isaiah prophesied that Satan would be cast down from heaven and put in a pit as a prisoner until the latter days, when he would be loosed. Peter and Jude both confirm that Satan is now bound in chains of darkness until the Day of Judgment. Jesus put this all together in Revelation, when he showed how Satan was cast into a bottomless pit with a great chain until the latter days, when he would be loosed for a short season and judged.

The binding of Satan did not necessarily happen to all people in the world. But we see when the disciples came back from preaching in Luke, they proclaimed how the devil was subject unto them. It was at this time, Jesus stated, behold I see Satan fall from heaven as lightening. Satan had become bound in chains by the power of the Gospel, from all those that live and believe in Jesus Christ. We see that Jesus gave his believer’s power to bind Satan from our life and cast him out of others. This power of Christ on his preachers also limited the power of Satan in this world, so that the Gospel could be spread throughout the world. Thus, fulfilling the scriptures that Jesus would reach out to the Gentiles and bring them into the family of God.

One day Daniel saw a vision that judgment was set and the books were opened. The New Testament testifies of this happening thru the preaching of Jesus and the Apostles. As Jesus also stated that now, judgment is come into this world. Jesus’ coming opened our understanding of the Old Testament books, concerning himself, the Kingdom of God and the Mystery of Iniquity. Today, there is no excuse for any people to not know, the will of God for their life and how to recognize the works of flesh and the workings of the power of Satan. This fulfills the scripture when Jesus said to the Apostles

Matt 19:28 …that when I sit on my throne of glory, that they also shall be giving twelve thrones to judge Israel.

Now we should be without any doubt that Jesus Christ created a new spiritual Israel of God where he sits on the Throne of David in this Heavenly Jerusalem. As the King, High Priest and Prophet he leads and governs his holy nation. This spiritual nation is made up of both Jews and Gentile believers who by faith believe and follow Jesus Christ as the only door to God and salvation. Peter described us as a royal priesthood offering up spiritual sacrifices unto God. Paul called this body of believers the Israel of God in Romans and Ephesians.

Jesus said that each person must be born again from above as the only way into this Spiritual Kingdom of God. Peter described this process as repentance, baptism in water and being filled with the Holy Ghost. Paul described it as dying with Christ, be buried with him, and rising into a newness of life by the resurrection power of his Spirit living in us. Thereby, we become new creatures or a new creation in Christ. Only then does Jesus fulfill his words …and I will come and make my abode in you and you in me.

Since, Jesus ascended to heaven; the church has been living in what is known as the Day of the Lord, the Reign of Christ for a thousand years. It is a time when the body of Christ is being tried, persecuted and some killed for the Word of God and the testimony of Christ which they have. Each believer, by the power of God, is now fighting spiritual powers and principalities in an effort to possess a spiritual land in heavenly places in Jesus Christ.



The Eighth Beast

Chapter 2 ~ The 5th Trumpet

The Pit is Opened

When was Satan to be loosed? As it relates to the spiritual Kingdom of God, the beginning of the loosening is in Rev 9, when the pit opens releasing smoke that darkens the sun and air. In this article, I am presenting to you that …the time has come. Satan was loosed from the bottomless pit. The thousand years have been fulfilled or expired. I know, you’re thinking how can one say that this has happened. But please continue reading the article and hear what I am saying about the following.

The Pit is Open and It Came Like Smoke

Let’s begin by reading…

Rev 20:7-9 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

Rev 9:1-5 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth

I have always looked at the 5th trumpet as just being only the period when the locusts come to torment for 5 months. I missed the first stage of the opening when the pit was opened and released a smoke that darkened the sun and the air. Later, the second stage would be that from the smoke came locust that was given power to afflict those without the seal of God.

I would like to show you from the scriptures and history, how the 5th trumpet, called the first woe, has already sounded in our world. In fact, we have been seeing the beginning of it for the sometime already. You will recall in Acts after several years of the Apostles and disciples evangelizing, the power of the gospel had been spread throughout the world although not everyone knew it personally. In a similar manner, when this pit was opened, the whole world didn’t know about it. But, I suspect, that somewhere at that time, there were ministers who knew something had happened.

Think of it like a small fire in a house. First, you began to smell something wrong. Later, you began to see a small cloud of smoke covering all the ceiling. And before long, the layer of smoke in the house gets thicker and thicker until it pushes you downward as you try to find a breath of air to live. This is how the enemy began in this 5th trumpet.

The Church Had Returned to the Land

In Ezekiel it says that in the latter days God’s people will be visited and brought back to their rightful place. This passage relates to the natural people of Israel and the Church coming out of the days of desolation and waste. The church experienced this desolation between the days of the Apostles and the end of the dark ages. It was after this time that the church emerged slowly and gradually returning to the power of the Gospel and doctrine preached in the days of the Apostles in the New Testament. The Church has returned to the fullness and dwells safely in a renewed apostolic doctrine and experience with God. As well as the natural Israel has also come back into their land.

The church, in a spiritual sense, had been carried away for centuries into the dark ages. It returned back to its earlier spiritual land and began to rebuild. She spiritually rebuilt and re-laid the walls, the gates and foundations of the temple. We have seen the rally in the Pentecostals and the Oneness groups with joy in seeing this foundation being rebuilt. The whole world was affected by the revivals in the first half of the 1900’s. But, just as it was in Nehemiah’s time, the people were not able to continue. We saw divisions and organizations coming into the church establishing their doctrines. The result was a church slowly backsliding and becoming at rest, and dwelling without walls, gates or bars. This left the church vulnerable for the smoke that was fixing to come on the church.

Eze 38:8-12 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.

God gave a shadow during the time of the flood in Genesis of the things that were to come. In those days preceding the flood, Noah preached that judgment was coming, as he worked building an ark for him and those that believed his message. God did not give Noah power to change the flood, but he did give him the instructions in how to overcome it. Those that did not believe the warning of the coming flood nor in the building of an ark of safety in God were destroyed by the flood. Yes, the smoke has been released, but be warned, the flood that destroys is still yet to come.

And so it has been, in the early 1900’s ministers preached to get right and sincere with God, for the coming of the Lord was soon. The hour of temptation was upon us. Awake, awake put off your slumber. Watch, the thief is coming in the night. That is when the pit was opened sometime in the mid 1900’s. Quietly like smoke, a flood of filth and iniquity come from the pit towards the world and the church. As this began to weaken the church, a fire began to fall from heaven within the Charismatic movement. The Church has resisted and fought against it within their personal life, as they should have. The saints are seeing this and are building their ark, gathering provision, for this destroying flood that is coming upon the earth. The church can’t stop the smoke or the flood that is here and is to get worse; we can only preserve our on house.

Gen 7:11-12 … the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights

See What Has Happened as the Pit Opened

It appears that the pit was opened and Satan was loosed around mid 1900’s. The exact time is not important. But it was around this time that we began to see the affects of it:

During these same years we saw a fulfilling of Israel becoming a nation again in 1948. By 1967 they had recaptured Jerusalem.

Luk 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

In these passages there are two aspects about Gentiles. First, the Gentiles or ungodly would tread down Jerusalem until the point came when God would bring the people of Israel back into their own land. Secondly, the times or dispensation of the Gentiles, referring to those who are not Jewish, has come to its fullness. In other words, the purpose that God had in bringing the Gentiles into the family of God is now fulfilled. That does not mean people cannot be saved, it means that now he can go to the next phase of bringing judgment upon Satan and upon this world.

Iniquity Shall Abound in the Last Days

Jesus said iniquity would abound in the last days. Paul said in the last days that there would be a breakdown of moral integrity. I ask you. When, in history since the time of Jesus Christ, have all these things that Paul mentioned come to pass? Yes iniquity has always been present, yes there has always been evil, but today it is compassing the saints in a physical and spiritual manner different than ever before. No wonder the angel in Revelation said woe to the inhabiters of the earth for the last three woes to come.

This first woe has already come, as smoke out of the bottomless pit and has already had a devastating effect on the church. Its effect is so devastating, that people have reached a point where they are content to go to church, but have no desire or need for the power of God to change their life.

Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

2Ti 3:1-5 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Look at some of the milestone events and the flood of iniquity that have taken place since the mid 1900’s.

Jesus told us that this iniquity would abound, and all he told us to do was …just keep holding on to the end.

Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

When you look at all these changes within mankind, I believe you can see how Satan was released from the pit. It was not a sudden change within society as when a revolution takes over, but it came quietly like smoke. It did not come with power, force and dominion like is given to the locust after the smoke has finished its course. The Devil’s dominion and power has got increasingly stronger within mankind, nations and their rulers, with his ultimate goal being the destruction of the True Church and Bride of Christ.

The Devil Loosed is Also the Eighth Beast

The question is how did the armies of the kingdom of darkness go forth to deceive the nations and how did they compass the saints?

Take a look at the how Jesus linked this power which ascends from the pit with the beast which comes to make war with the Lamb and his saints. There is a lot that could be said here about the Eighth Beast. But what I want you to see. Is that the Eighth Beast comes from the bottomless pit, not from some geographical nation or people as the other previous Beasts did.

The previous seven Beast had physical aspects that could be seen or touched. This Eighth Beast comes first as a spiritual power, which cannot be seen by the natural eye. But we do perceive or see its dominion and power, by the effect it has on the world and its effect upon the church.

Let me say it another way. To fully understand what God is doing in the Church, you have to read and understand what he did with the natural Israel in the Old Testament. They are types and shadows for us. But now, to understand what God is doing and going to do in the Days of Vengeance, we must understand the spiritual Israel in the New Testament. Today, our understanding is based on seeing the development of the spiritual, before we see the development of the natural. There is a more natural fulfilling of these passages being discussed in this article, but for those that love the Lord, they need to understand the spiritual fulfillment now, so they will be preserved latter.

Rev 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Rev 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

Deceiving Signs and Wonders, Giving Life to an Image

There is one image which we are to become like. That is the image of Jesus Christ. He told us the Eighth Beast would deceive all the nations as it came with great wonders and miracles. Jesus spoke of the same when he said:

Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

We do not see the full manifestation of this in the smoke stage of the 5th trumpet, but this increase in iniquity begins weakening the saints for the army that is coming in the 6th trumpet. It is in the 6th trumpet that we get the rest of the picture of the Eighth Beast as he brings a spiritual army to deceive the nations and the church. It describes an evil army that issues from its mouth fire, smoke and brimstone. We can see these three movements from hell that has swept across our world and now has 100’s of millions of followers. This will be explained in a later message, but they are:

The Charismatic movement started in the 1960’s in protestant non-spirit filled churches and in the Catholic Churches around 1967. A fire from heaven has been falling on the people within these groups, but there is a difference. This fire doesn’t cause them to come out of her my people, nor does it bring them to the Word of God.

The smoke has moved in with deception and doesn’t look destructive, but like Jehoshaphat said one day, something doesn’t feel right about what all these other prophets are saying, …Ahab… do you have another prophet, and Ahab said yes, but he is not a part of our group.

The church is being pounded with the brimstone, corrupting all that it touches with many signs and wonders being manifested in some of these Charismatic, loose living, spirit filled believers. An image is being created by the Devil, which has both spirit and worldliness combined. They say they want to be like Jesus, but their mouth reveals the heart of the dragon.

Jesus and the Apostles never preached or coveted the world like this people. It may look like a lamb, but the life that is in it, is not Christ’s life. It is the power of Satan. They have the best orators and speakers that are out there, enticing you with their fine words. But there message does not bring sanctification and separation from the world. Jesus Christ is not the head of this body …Satan is.

Rev 13:11- 18 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Many Are Deceived Thru Peace and Prosperity

In Daniel we take another look at this deception of a king, who begins to stand up with great power to destroy the mighty and the holy people and later take away the daily sacrifices.

Dan 8:23-25 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

He is a destroyer and a king of fierce countenance and he has been coming since the mid 1900’s to bring peace to all the nations, so that prosperity can increase. This seems like a good thing until you look at all the evil that has come into the church as it reached for the prosperity of the world. The poor and rich have both increased their wealth and prosperity in the last 50 years. Today, so called Christians, spend more time planning vacations and how to acquire worldly possessions than the time they spend hearing the Words of the Lord or desiring the demonstration of the Holy Ghost in their services.

It has brought about a church full of people caught up with the cares of this world and it is choking the Word and the Spirit out of them and the rest of us also. What use to take weeks of work and saving to acquire, now seems to come so easy through better economy and financial services. This doesn’t seem like a work of the enemy. But when a person is working to survive, their attitude is different than the person who is driven by lust to succeed and gather wealth.

Over 100 million people were killed through the world from 1914-1945. The greatest loss of life, devastation to infrastructure and loss of economy the world had ever seen up to that time. The 5 victors of WW2 signed a UN treaty to prevent this from ever happening again. Since that time, no major world wars have occurred. Yes, there have been wars and civil wars in various countries, but the loss of life and the effect they have had on economy of the world has been minimal compared to the hard times WWI and WW2 brought upon the world. No, the devil doesn’t want to disrupt the economy again. Not only because it brings revival in the church, but because the army from hell needs prosperity for its message to deceive the people. You cannot have prosperity in any community, nation or country until peace has been restored and the economy is able to function without fear of major disruption. Peace and order allows the big money to invest and feel secure about their return on investment in a business or community. This in turn will bring more prosperity to all involved. As several presidents of US have said, it’s all about the economy.

Gathering the Nations Together in Deception

Rev 20:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea

Zep 3:8 Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

God’s plan has always been that in the latter days he would somehow gather all the nations together. These nations would also somehow come against God’s people. We may not know what all that means, but we have seen since WW2 efforts by the major nations to keep peace, watch over one another and try to work together with a common goal of unity. Thus, if the UN disagreed with a country’s actions, they would put pressure on that country until it submitted to the will of the UN. Not only is the Devil trying to get the natural nations together, but he is also unifying the spiritual leaders. The World Council of Churches was formed for the unification or religious believers of all faiths. Both of these world organizations started out with little power. Slowly, over the years, each has grown and gained more political power. We should continue to see that power increase in the future. We have already seen the scriptures below being fulfilled spiritually.

Zec 14:2-3 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle

It is obvious today that spiritual powers and dominions have come against the Church in the last 50 years, capturing and devouring the house of God. Good churches have fallen into darkness; saints have been deceived and carried away into spiritual captivity with this false religious movement. Saints have been carried away in captivity as iniquity abounds and their love of the world increases. (Remember Lot’s wife). Preachers and laity have committed spiritual fornication and spiritual adultery with this false worship from Baal. Churches have taken out God’s altar and have put in a new altar from the world. No one yet has been able to rise up against this Jezebel Spirit sweeping through the Church world. However, God will rise up. He said that there shall be a residue, even 7,000 that have not bowed to Baal …they shall not be deceived or cut off. Praise God.

Anointed Ministers Passed Off the Scene

As morality was already declining since WW1 and declined even more after WW2. What was holding back this cloud of smoke of the pit from the world? It was the anointed men of God that were given to us in the early 1900’s. Here is just a few of the major ministries that faded off in the mid 1900’s. There were more, but this is enough to give you the general ideal.

Surrounding the Saints and the Beloved City

Rev 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

Most bible prophecy teachers will say that Gog and Magog are to come and compass the natural land of Israel, based on the scripture in Ezekiel 38 & 39. But Jesus said in Revelation, that Gog and Magog will compass the saints and the beloved city. Jesus never said he loved the natural physical Jerusalem, nor would he refer to the natural seed of Abraham as his saints if they were not his followers. But he did say,

Joh 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Let me ask you. Are you going to take Jesus’ interpretation of the passage in Ezekiel or the bible prophecy teachers? My choice is clear. Jesus is saying that Gog and Magog is an army compassing his beloved church …the New Jerusalem. That does not exclude what may happen to the natural Israel later. Even as we see the example of the Days of Vengeance come upon the natural Israel and the end of the Old Covenant, we will experience a very similar Days of Vengeance upon the spiritual Israel and the end of the New Covenant.

Luk 21:20-22 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

The 1st Woe has Sounded ~ The pit is Open

A flood of wickedness has come out. Natural Jerusalem is now controlled by the natural people of Israel since 1948 and more so since 1967. The times of the Gentiles has been fulfilled. The Full Gospel has been preached in every nation as a witness and the end has come upon us, Mt 24:13.

I hope you see that these are the beginning stages of the release of Satan. This release is also the beginning of the 3 woes in Revelation. It also began the sounding of the 5-7th trumpet. It began in a deceptive manner as a smoke which has covered the entire world and most of Christianity. No one area seems to be the focus of the devil’s stronghold. Satan has applied so much pressure, spiritual devices and temptations, in so many different ways, until now he has a greater grip on the world and has diminished the light of God within the Church.

From The Smoke Came Locust

Rev 9:3-6 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he strikes a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

The scripture says that locust came out of the smoke to torment men for 5 months who did not have the seal of God in their foreheads. A torment would cause them to desire death, but death would not come to stop the torment. This description of locusts is unlike anything in this world. However, multiple scriptures in the bible help us to see that this locust torment is a spiritual affliction rather than physical. We can see a glimpse of this being manifested today as people are tormented with: pride, rebellion, lust, carnality, cares of life, trust in their own self rather than God, sickness, finances, desire to be successful, etc.

The torment of this affliction is so painful to their life and their human spirit; they long to be free from the torment, even thru death. But God does not allow deliverance to come until the tormenter has run its course. A natural locust has a life of about 5 months, and this particular trial, test and affliction does have a beginning and ending.

God’s purpose in this torment is to bring his people out of bondage, if they will only hear and submit to him. It may last a few weeks or years; it depends on how quickly one repents and surrenders their life back to God. God has chosen and allowed this tormenter to come upon the backslider so they might repent, turn back to God and quit their backsliding. Some will turn to God during this time in their life, and some will not.

We see this torment in the passage above, not when the smoke came out of the pit bringing a deception of iniquity, but later when the locust had been given power. The smoke was to deceive, seduce and entice one to sin or pervert the Word of God in our life. These locust have now been given power over those that have not the seal of God, these people do not have any power or resistance against whatever the adversary does to their life. It is like a person being overpowered and raped, yet the whole time one resist what is being done, for it has and end and healing will come afterward if we turn to the Lord.

We see another example when the Satan was wroth with the women.

Rev 12:15-17 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman…

He spewed out a flood of uncleanness and ungodliness toward the women, she was preserved, but there was some who like the earth, just opened there mouth and consumed the filth. They may not have wanted to open their mouth, but they were not sealed by God, they did not please God or they were defiled by the world and religion.

We see another example of this excruciating pain being afflicted upon those in the last days of those who have turned from God in giving themselves back to the wicked one in some way in this following passage.

Rev 16:10-11 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain. And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds

They have allowed Satan to have dominion over their life. If your life is in torment today, a preacher can’t help you, a prophesy want help you, neither will paying tithes change the situation. God will not let deliverance come into your life, until you recognize that you have sinned and turned from God. Are you being tormented and afflicted? Then humble yourselves quickly, for the longer you wait, the greater the pain. When he hands you over to the tormenters, will you repent or curse God?

As one can see from the examples in the Old Testament, God sends the devourer into the lives of his people, only after they have failed to hear the Word of God for their life. Even then, he will send the devourer in stages and gradually increase the intensity level up to the point of total destruction. It is all in the hope and purpose that he might save some.

We have seen saints go through these times in their lives as they struggled to serve God, while they, at the same time were reaching for the world in some way. We saw how they were afflicted or vexed until they reached a breaking point. It was at this time they surrendered to God or completely walked away. Even Jonah had found himself running from God. But God created a situation in his life that was to torment, but not to kill Jonah. He found himself in the belly of hell, being vexed night and day, until he turned his eyes toward Jerusalem. Deliverance is available, but only after you repent.

But what about those who have the seal of God in their foreheads? Let me say just this much. This mark shows a people have already come to the place in their life where they please God and have no need to be afflicted or tormented to press them into returning to God.

Don’t get this confused with the seal of the Holy Ghost. This is like the seal on the door post in Egypt; it is a seal which stops the devourer from entering the home. It doesn’t mean that those with the seal on their life do not go through problems, sickness, etc. There is even warning to those under the protection of the seal. Exo 12:22 …none of you shall go out at the door of his house until morning.


Let’s summarize the events that led up to 1st Woe, the 5th trumpet sounding.

In the early 1900’s, the whole world saw a revival and an out-pouring of the Holy Ghost. The scriptures had prophesied this would come, as the latter rain in the last days. This latter rain is that rain which brings the grain to full maturity. The Church had been on a spiritual journey for about 400 years of reformation as the believers slowly left the depths of Satan within Catholicism. Finally, the 1900’s brought a return again to the fullness of doctrine and fullness of Spirit that was preached and demonstrated as seen in the Book of Acts. This true latter rain of God, brought moisture into the grain (church), bringing it to a fullness of maturity.

As the latter rain came, the times of the Gentiles was fulfilled. The Gospel was preached in all nations. The time of the end had come. It was now time to begin the next phase of God’s plan. It is now time for the grain to dry out, so it can be harvested and the tares can be separated from the good seed.

In the mid 1900’s, the 5th trumpet, the 1st woe, sounded and the bottomless pit was opened allowing Satan, the destroyer to be turn loosed upon the world. He ascended up as the Eighth Beast having two horns. This message about the 1st woe, is describing one of the powers that he would come to deceive the nations and compass the church, the camp of the saints. Satan came like deceptive smoke, as a flood of iniquity, which has now covered the whole world and every nation. The exact time this happened is not important. But, what has happened is very important for the saints to understand.

It began as smoke, gently and quietly seeping its filth into the world. It offered iniquity, sin, prosperity, power, peace etc. With the advancement of technology, Satan has been able to make sin attractive like never before in history. Sin has made in-roads in almost every home and every church. The love of many has waxed cold on God. Believers began to backslide as sin and cares of life pulled them out of the presence of the Holy Ghost, even pulling some completely out of the church. The Spirit and power of God has diminished in the churches from the effect of all this. Saints have begun shifting their time and energy into making a better life with more natural possessions. It has brought about saints who no longer are seeking God and his righteousness as their first love.

As the age of peace, prosperity and technology came about; it fed this thirst for lust and iniquity which was in the world. All nations have now drunk from this cup of filth and have become intoxicated. The world and some of the church have been consumed with this lust, this iniquity, and this seducing of spirits for material possessions to the point that it seems they can never be satisfied.

This has affected the church today, to the extent that many people called Christians are seeking for some new way to excite or fulfill this lust in their life also. The hour of temptation has arrived. It is bringing about a separation in the followers of Jesus Christ. The elect or true saints are trying to hold on to the Word of God and his Spirit so that they don’t lose their crown of righteousness. Others have yielded to the temptations and now love the world, which has caused many to be defiled, some to backslide and many leave the church.

As the church began backsliding by playing the harlot with the world, God has given permission for the destroyer to afflict, torment and devour those that are corrupted. The purpose is that those who are called by his name might turn from their wicked ways and repent, so that God can heal them. Those that do not now obey the Word and Spirit in their life, will not be sealed from the flood from Satan that is to come.



The Eighth Beast

Chapter 3 ~ 6th Trumpet

The Coming Army

In this article I would like to speak on the beginning of the fulfillment of the 6th trumpet in our life as it pertains to the Church. Let me explain.

The Trumpet Has Sounded

Let’s begin by reading several scriptures for the foundation of this message. First, concerning the 6th trumpet known as the 2nd woe.

Rev 9:13-21 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God. Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

The 5th Trumpet which is the 1st Woe has already sounded and is being manifested continuously today. Even as the 6th Trumpet, which is the 2nd Woe, has also sounded and is being manifested.

In Revelation it states that the Beast which ascended out of the bottomless pit is the Eighth Beast. This Eighth Beast does miracles, makes fire fall from heaven and gets the people to make an image of the beast.

Rev 13:13-14 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

Both of these passages are describing the working of Satan. Each describing it a little differently, but the basic description is the same. The Beast is bringing an army to issue out of its mouth, a message to kill some of God’s people, by deceiving them with signs, wonders and miracles while gather a people together against God’s people.

I am not going to explain each passage, but rather I am going describe the work of Satan that started in the 1st Woe and is now manifesting differentially in the 2nd Woe.

The Drying up of Euphrates River

This river is one of the four rivers that flow from the Garden of Eden. It means fruitfulness or prosperity. During the great revivals of the early 1900’s, we saw God restore into His church the baptism of the Holy Ghost with signs, wonders, miracles and separation from the world. Then in the mid 1900’s we saw a decrease in the power of God about the same time there was an increase of worldliness creeping into the Church as the flood of ungodliness increased in the world. This working of Satan was not by his power alone. It was God allowing or making him do it so that God might gather his elect unto the true doctrine of God; as Satan gathered the wicked to sin and his worshippers to a false doctrine from Satan.

That is why we have seen a diminishing of the operation of the Holy Ghost in the world as a whole. The Euphrates River has to dry up in order for this army of filth and perversion to come out, thereby deceiving the world and attempt to deceive God’s people, just as Eve was deceived in the Garden.

Lying Spirits Turned Loose

The loosing of angels in the Euphrates River is similar to the time when Jehoshaphat allied himself with Ahab when Micaiah was the Prophet.

2Ch 18:19-22 And the LORD said, Who shall entice Ahab king of Israel, that he may go up and fall….. Then there came out a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will entice him. And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the LORD said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do even so. Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee.

Jehoshaphat (the true) and Ahab (the corrupt) fighting alongside each other to preserve the family of God (the church today). The true saints are asking for a Word from the Lord. They hear a lot from the religious prophets but something just doesn’t ring quite true to Jehoshaphat. He asked if there was another prophet around here, the corrupted church leaders said yes, but he is always against us. He has nothing positive to say. That was when Micaiah stood up and declared this revelation. The false prophets and those who followed them could not discern the false in what was being said. It is a perverted word which God allowed that He might cause the ungodly backsliders to stumble, fall and be destroyed. At the same time God shows us that His people can discern something they hear just doesn’t sound right.

Not only are these lying spirits turned loose today deceiving the false, but it is silencing the Spirit of the Lord in the Church also, therefore bringing death to some that follow after this deception.

Zec 6:5-7 And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth. The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south country. And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth. Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.

The Army, the Flood, the Beast

Each of these is describing to some extent, the working of Satan as he attempts to destroy the church in the last days. I would like to explain to the best of my ability, as God has helped me put this together. There have been three great movements in the last 50 years that have brought this about. I do not want to try to define phrases or words in the passages. But, I want to give a broad overview to help bring some clarity to the situation without trying to judge the people who are deceived. You can find extensive information on the Internet about those preachers who are deceived and from preachers who have warned against Satan working in these unclean movements.

The Three Movements

I want to say as we get started, that many saints of God are involved and influenced by these deceptions of the enemy. The purpose is not to condemn or even judge the person involved, but simply manifest the works of Satan in this religious confusion. Those that are defiled with this image of the Beast must decide to repent and come out of this Babylon. They also can choose to harden their heart and become partakers of the next phase of judgment which is coming.

God speaks of this as a time of unclean spirits going forth. In the gospels, this term is used when the spirit of the devil was abiding within a person, having taking dominion over that life in some way. This term unclean, is not used in reference to immorality or filthiness of the flesh.

The revivals of the age of reformation compelled people to come out of Catholicism, come out of Lutheranism, come out of Methodism, come out of Baptistism and even come out of Pentecostalism. During this time of reformation, God refers to them in the seven Church Ages as defiled or not being perfect, not unclean. Each one of these was growth stages of leaving and forsaking of the past, while also reaching for the present truth. The church was working its way back to being like the Church of the New Testament. But this Charismatic movement today is not just defiled; it is a body of believers filled with the unclean spirit of the Wicked One. It is not the same Spirit that comes into the body of believers of Jesus Christ.

This army which came upon the face of the world has become a large force in Christianity. It has brought a new energy and vigor to the Catholic, Protestant and Pentecostal churches who have embraced these doctrines, signs and wonders. These movements have united a very diverse group of believers while each continues to keep unique doctrinal beliefs, keep their works of the flesh, keep their desire for signs, miracles and wonders and keep their passion for Christ.

This is not about a group, an organization, a denomination, whether spirit filled or non-spirit filled, whether trinity believers or oneness believers. It is about a lying spirit of deception that has made in-roads into the church and is attempting to corrupt, destroy and defile as many saints as possible.

We do not know the exact date when this all started. Neither do we know the exact date when God will destroy this Babylon system and glorify his elect who have stayed faithful and true. Nor do we know when he will expose those that worship this image of the Beast, or expose those that worship gold, silver, brass, stone and wood …their natural possessions.

Charismatic Movement

The Charismatic movement came out of the Pentecostal revivals in the 40’s and 50’s, with a unique difference between the two movements. The Pentecostal movement brought a restoration to the church with signs and wonders which caused people to come back to the Word and the early church doctrine and life. The Pentecostal movement preached sanctification and against the influences of the world creeping into the church. It also brought separation and offense to those who did not believe in the Holy Ghost.

The Charismatic movement had one unique difference; it did not cause a separation from the non believers. It did not look or act likes the early church in doctrine or demonstration; but it did have signs, wonders and miracles. A fire began to fall on a people but it did not bring separation, offense or antagonism to those who remained in darkness.

A quote from Charismatic Movement on the Wikipedia says this, “Before 1955, Pentecostal doctrines… were not embraced by the religious mainstream. If a church member or clergyman openly expressed such views, they would separate from their older denomination. The Charismatic movement was a reversal of this previous pattern as those influenced by Pentecostal spirituality chose to remain in their original denominations.”

The beginning of the movement is usually dated to Easter of 1960, as an Episcopalian leader recounted his Pentecostal experience to his parish. This caused others in the mainline protestant churches to proclaim their Pentecostal experience and was termed Charismatic in 1962. There began to be another major movement in the Catholic Church in 1967 with an estimate now, of as many as 120 million members, particularly in Filipino, Korean, Philippines, Latin American, Brazil and Hispanic communities. There was also another large movement in the mid 1980’s called the “Third Wave” that the Vineyard movement was a part of.

These believe in the infilling or baptism of the Holy Spirit and that spiritual gifts are believed to be manifest in form of signs, miracles, and wonders, including, but not limited to, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, healing and discernment of spirits. The Charismatic accept a range of supernatural experiences as evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

I am not going to take the time or space to explain the false, perverted or deception that is amongst this movement. There has been plenty of preaching about this today and is also found in the ministries of the 1950-80’s period. By the time the 80’s arrived, we saw this movement had made great in-roads by its affects and influences upon the main stream Pentecostals.

Word of Faith Movement

The Word of Faith movement began to take roots around the mid to late 60’s with such men in America as Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland and from Korea, Paul Yonggi Cho. Here are a few passages from Christianity in Crisis of statements made by these preachers.

Kenneth Copeland said the faith formula is:

Kenneth Hagin said Jesus gave him 4 steps to always receive whatever he wants from God:

Paul Yonggi Cho said it is a “Law of Incubation”

Again, I am not going to try to pick their doctrine apart. There are several aspects which are similar to the New Testament teachings. But the end results places trust in one’s self and their ability to alter circumstances thru positive confession. They believe this is what Jesus wants for their life. However, it all results in self-exaltation, focus on material things, money and such like, of which Jesus and the Apostles taught against.

Prosperity Movement

The Prosperity movement is about coveting riches or material things as a witness or proof of God’s blessing upon a believer’s life. This message is accompanied with positive speech and appeal for donations to God’s ministry which will reward the giver financially many times above what was given. It is based upon a premise of a contract between God and humans. If humans will have faith in God, then God will deliver his promise of security and prosperity. Confessing these promises to be true is perceived as an act of faith, which God will honor. This is achieved through visualization, positive confession and expressions in contractual terms.

The preaching of prosperity was seen as early as:

One last comment. There is nothing wrong or bad in having a large church. But if we have to sell out in order to reach to the masses and if we appeal for money to further this gospel, then it is obvious where the problem lies.

Results of This Flood upon the Church

I hope you now understand how the enemy has come in sowing tares into the field of the Lord. We are seeing its effects upon the true church as it struggles to hold on to truth and godliness. This is different than any time in history, for this flood from the adversary is coming with a false doctrine and a false spirit. It is extremely difficult to discern true from false because the church is all mixed up like a melting pot.

Jesus came about 2000 years ago preaching. Later he sent his spirit to baptize the believers with the Holy Ghost and fire. Jesus told his disciples to go preaching repentance and remission of sins to the entire world. Today, Satan has come with his message baptizing his believers with his spirit, with a fire from heaven. Satan is telling his disciples to preach to the entire world; be filled with the spirit and receive prosperity. This is unclean, as Jesus said. It is not unclean because of sin and filth; but, it is unclean, because it is the spirit of the wicked one taking abode within his followers. They have heard and are following their Angel of light.

As Isaiah prophesied that Satan would say …I will ascend unto the heaven and I will be like God. Today there is a group of people within these Movements mentioned above, who have said, I am like God. I will speak my world into existence. I believe, therefore I speak. As Adam was the God of Eden so I have become a God to control my circumstances and my world. If I can see it …if I can believe it …if I can speak it …I shall have it. This brings about a fulfilling of the scriptures in Revelation describing the coming of the Eighth Beast, deceiving them that dwell on the earth, (not the elect), but them that dwell earthly. Through this deception the Eighth Beast has urged them to build an image to the beast which was wounded to death and does now live. This image is a perverted gospel and twisted image of Jesus’ doctrine.

Can Not Buy or Sell

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast...

I know that there may be some later fulfillment of this passage. There may even come a day when people cannot buy or sell literal physical merchandise unless they have some mark or symbol of allegiance to a greater governing power over them. There may come a day when Christian ministries cannot legally preach the gospel unless they are associated with the other religious powers setup by Satan.

But there is another factor present today though out the Christianity community. This army has flooded the world from its mouth with poisoned lies from the False Preachers. It is having another major effect upon the churches of God. The believers find themselves trying to hold on to the truth as they strive to resist the pressures of the world which assault them from this modern end time Christianity. In the economy of the Lord, ministers present the gospel or sell the good news to the listeners (without price). They do this by offering the Word and Spirit of God to others, which brings an inward life, hope, healing and the hope of eternal life. These hearers, whether they are saints or sinners, are coming in a sense to buy something to fulfill, fix and make their lives new for today and unto eternity.

Let’s use our natural economy for an example. During the 1980-90’s the small retail and grocery stores began to lose their customer base to the new bigger …one stop shop, …get it all here stores. The little stores in order to keep some of their customers, had to compete by lowering their prices to match the big stores, while still buying the merchandise at the same price as before.

This took away the small retailers ability to grow or make changes putting them in a position of being barely able to survive. In time the big stores became able to demand their suppliers of merchandise to lower their prices if they wished to sell their product in their big stores. This caused the smaller manufactures to lower their prices in order to compete with the other big manufacturers. Again this caused the small companies to no longer be able to sustain any growth or capital to make upgrades, thus causing many to go out of business as they lost out to the effects of big business.

Now compare that to what has happened within the Church. Years ago, before the age of big churches, there were churches of various denominations that had crowds large enough to sustain the work of the Lord in that place. There were small churches and larger churches. But as this army began to take hold within a more prosperous society, a change began to happen. Those who had followed these unclean spirits like frogs began to bring a burst of excitement to their churches. The stagnation period was being revitalized.

Churches began to lose their laity to iniquity and to other churches who seemed to be more prosperous naturally and spiritually. The leadership within the true churches found themselves fighting to keep sin out of their people and the church. But, these leaders were also competing with churches that were bigger, more prosperous, and more dynamic, with more programs, with better choirs and churches seemingly more in tune with the times.

The smaller churches found themselves losing their youth, existing with no new growth, and operating on reduced finances which created a greater strain on the smaller crowd. Leadership had to choose whether to join this new movement or adopt some of it ways within their churches. Those who will not change, wait in hope of a revival that will cause the people to come back to the truth. The strain increased on those leaders who have chosen not to join this new modern Christianity. As attendance becomes less and finances decrease, some ministries have had to make cut backs. Bus ministries reduced, revivals cut back, the number of services cut back and expenditures reduced. In time, if God doesn’t move, they may have to close their doors and their voice will be silenced in the community.

We are seeing today the consequences in all denominations of not getting on board with this charismatic, word of faith and prosperity message. Churches are not being able to continue to preach/sell the gospel because the remaining few, holding on to the truth, cannot sustain the financial burden of the buildings which was meant for a larger body of believers. The elect of God will become less and less of a voice within their communities. One result of this is that those who wants to join to the True Gospel of Jesus Christ to change their life, may have a difficult time finding places of ministry that preach/sell the True Gospel because so many voices have been silenced and fading away.


The 6th trumpet, the 2nd woe has sounded, releasing an army which is devouring God’s people. The Eighth Beast has already ascended out of the bottomless pit. This was explained in the previous message on the 5th trumpet. This Eighth Beast ascended with the appearance of a lamb with two horns but when it spoke it sounded like the Dragon. The 5th trumpet explained one of the lamb’s horns as being the power of iniquity which was turned loose in the mid 1900’s. In the beginning it looked harmless but this iniquity has now brought down many of God’s people through many temptations and devices of Satan.

This present message is about the Lamb’s other horn’s power manifested in an army coming at the sound of the 6th trumpet. The Eighth Beast has come with all attributes of the previous seven beasts. God showed us how it would come in with the gentle innocence of a lamb, but once it started to speak and manifested its true nature, then we would see that it is the dragon.

The scriptures describe that 4 angels would be loosed within the Euphrates River, not out of it. This would bring forth a great army with fire (false anointing), smoke (deception) and brimstone (corruption). This army was not a natural, literal army, but an army of spirits, with power in their mouths and their tails (representing the false prophets).

Almost immediately in the mid 1900’s, after the iniquity was loosed upon the world, we saw the diminishing operation of the true Holy Ghost. The move of the Spirit began to dry out within the Christian church system, making way for this army of false spirits to fall from heaven. As this influence increases, many were deceived and seduced into believing that this move was from God. People seemed to be receiving the spirit and speaking in tongues. This army flourished and increased rapidly through the Charismatic, Word of Faith and Prosperity message. On one hand, these armies were like the locust, palmerworm, cankerworm and caterpillar spoke by the Prophet Joel. They were also devouring God’s people, drying up the wine and drying their spiritual food source.

In this infilling of the spirit something was missing. It was not bringing the followers to the Word of God. The manifestations of the fruits of righteousness were also missing. This move of the spirit was not following the example of the book of Acts and the previous outpouring of the Holy Ghost as in the early 1900’s. Children of God began to realize that this movement sounded true, yet the direction the people were going, was not the same as found in the doctrine of Jesus and his Apostles.

This modern day movement within the body of Christian believers does not strive to separate from the world and cease from sin. Their doctrine promotes a coveting of this world’s richest by teaching that possessing riches of this world is a witness or proof of God’s blessing upon your life. The world began to be mixed with the church like Constantine did with Paganism and Christianity. The Beast that was wounded came back alive in another idolatrous religion. This group of people had received a false fire from heaven and was worshipping the image of Satan through this false doctrine. It is an image of lust, pride, covetousness, rebellion to God’s word, yet all the time expressing a love for God and singing about Jesus. These believers now find themselves worshipping gold, silver, brass and things to be desired. The love of the world is consuming them. A new altar had been constructed. A new and strange fire is consuming the sacrifice.

In this generation, when someone says they have received the Spirit of Christ within, we thank God; but we now wait to see what kind of fruit the vessel bears. In time we will then be able to determine if it is the true Holy Ghost or the Spirit of Devils. If it is the Spirit of Christ, in time it will began to bear the fruits of righteousness and will desire to follow more closely to the teachings of Jesus and his Apostles.

Jesus said it this way in… Luk 6:44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

If it is the False Spirit, it will bring forth fruits of corruption and will slowly follow after the lust of the eyes, …lust of the flesh, …pride, …covetous of this world riches, …exalt man’s leadership and their teachings over what the Apostles taught. If it’s a false preacher it will also …make merchandise of the gospel, …appeal for money and fleece the congregation, …all the while giving the hearers a false hope with a perverted doctrine.

We realize that people in the church are at; different levels of scriptural understanding, different levels of faith, different levels of yielding to the spirit, different levels of following, different levels of obeying the spirit and at different levels of maturity in Christ. We would be doing wrong if we judge another as being false, simply because they have less maturity, or different manifestation of knowledge, demonstration, outward appearance, faith and obedience to the scriptures. Paul told us we all fall short in our righteousness with God. Moses also told us that there is the appearance of being an unclean leper, but it is only skin deep.

If we was at the market shopping for fresh fruit and vegetables, we would take the time to examine its quality and if it is rotten. Likewise, we do not judge an individual as being true or false, we simply judge the fruit coming from its vine. If the fruit is corrupt then the root is corrupt. We should not condemn the soul to hell simply because that soul is deceived and following after a false anointing. We should rather hope that God opens their eyes and set them free from Satan’s hold. Yes, we condemn the false doctrine. Yes, we condemn the false spirit. Yes, we warn against their corrupt fruit. Yes, we understand they have an unclean spirit. Yes, we know they have leprosy. Yet with all that understanding, we continue to reach out to rescue that lost soul. That is our job as Christians.

When Satan was loosed from the pit in the mid 1900’s, he offered the world and the church more things to satisfy the basic needs and wants of life. They said yes, let’s make life easier. Why should we do without? It’s out right. Satan came offering them the way to demonstrate how they can be as God, how they could learn to command the forces of faith. They said yes, give us this doctrine. Satan said; look at the riches of the world and its prestige of gaining wealth. Man said yes, it is ours; we will inherit the earth and its riches today.

The kingdom of Christ is in direct opposition with the kingdom of Satan. 2,000 years ago, Jesus sent back his Spirit to dwell in his tabernacle or body of believers with its purpose to destroy the works of Satan. In the mid 1900’s, Satan began pouring out his spirit into tabernacles or a body of believers, to destroy the children of God. Both kingdoms have some similarities. Yet, both are as opposite as light is from darkness. The true and false preach from the same bible. Both proclaim to have the Spirit of God. Both sing the same songs. Both say they please God.

But, watch the FRUIT. You may not be able to discern it by the doctrine. You may not be able to discern it by the Spirit. But Jesus said, the FRUIT will reveal the tree and its root.



The Eight Beast

Chapter 4

The Heavens Shaking

This last message is to help us understand why people do not understand how Jesus would come as a thief in the night. It is expected that the wicked and disobedient would not know when he is coming, but his strong warning was for saints to watch and pray. He said that it would be such a time of confusion and deception that he would cut the time short, so that the very elect would be saved. Thus he is implying that the pressure and deception will make its way against even the lives of the elect. Let’s look at how this happens:

God’s people are being shaken today as the enemy wants to get them off the true foundation and join Satan’s army.

The Earth Was Shaken at Jesus' Time

When Jesus came about 2000 years ago he manifested to those in the earthly realm that much of what they believed, practiced, and lived was not true. They had no eternal life in them, but rather death and destruction. Many heard, believed and followed the message and doctrine from Jesus Christ. Others who were rebellious and of the stiff neck religious group also heard, but did not follow. Even the disobedient and wicked sinner saw and heard it. These felt this shaking going on through their country; but it did not change their life. Having faith or a spiritual ear was not required to hear God’s voice when he shook the earth at the time of Jesus Christ. However, to discern that this was God and understand his message did take a spiritual understanding.

In Haggai 2:6-9, Matt 24:29, Hebrew 12:25-28, we are promised that God will not only shake the earth again, but will also shake the heavens. During the time of the heavens being shaken, it can only be seen by the Spirit. That is why one cannot understand the prophecies that pertain to the end times by studying; it takes the spirit of revelation from God. The Word of God is given by the Holy Ghost and is written to speak to the natural kingdom and the spiritual kingdom. Many times God speaks to both in the same verse. Jesus in the last days is shaking the heavens, which is his kingdom he created 2000 years ago. He will also shake the earthly kingdoms, which have now become the kingdoms which Satan is the God of.

This shaking that is happening now in the spiritual realm is sometimes magnified by the natural elements in our life to accomplish the purpose of the shakening. The wind is blowing to move us off the foundation of Jesus Christ as it was given to us by him and the Apostles. At the same time it is also gathering God’s people to his Word, and gathering the Devil’s people to the false doctrine. The true saints are trying to stay true to the Lord in both doctrine and spirit, while the tares are worshipping an image of life that Satan has now manifested and brought forth.

Natural Israel Example

In the Old Testament when God was speaking to his people, he was speaking to Israel or Judah. He would speak to those that were righteous and those who were unrighteous in the natural kingdom of Israel. When necessary, God would send judgments into the land to purge out those things that had defiled the land. When the people could no longer be purged, he would take them out of the land and give them over to the wicked nations for a time. Later, he brought his people back into the land of promise.

Over time, they again became corrupted and perverted, even to the point that when Emmanuel came in Jesus Christ, to visit them, they rejected him. It was at that time of his first visit, that Jesus shook the earthly kingdom, not by an earthquake, but by manifesting Gods power and exposing Satan’s kingdom which was already intertwined with the religious system of that day. The abominations of Israel, the Priesthood, and their rejecting of Christ resulted in God sending Rome years later to destroy their city and tear down their worship in 70AD. God no longer had any purpose or need for the former type of worship. The Days of Vengeance were poured out upon God’s chosen people Israel for their abominations against God and Christ.

The Church

The New Testament church body of believers has followed the same course which the Old Testament natural Israel followed. They have mixed with the world as they desired to be like the other nations or groups of pagan worshippers. Finally, he sent the New Testament church down into a Spiritual Babylon. In later years, a small group returned to the path which Jesus had originally given them. God visited them with an outpour of the Holy Ghost with signs and wonders in the early 1900’s. Many did not accept or believe that this Spiritual manifestation was him.

Over time, those who received God’s 20th century out pouring of the spirit, became corrupted again from wanting to be recognized among the nations and people. They simply wanted to be like them and fit in their religious system. Iniquity and perversion began to increase among this New Testament church until their worship was again perverted by the influences of false doctrines, uncleanness and false spirits. These abominations have led to desolations within the church. The Days of Vengeance have begun upon the church, as God has sent spiritual enemies to destroy the system of religion that contains both true and false.

The Days of Vengeance

Whenever God’s people disobeyed in the Old Testament, after the Law and the Kingdom were established, God sent natural enemies against them to vex or conquer them. His purpose was to help them recognize that they had turned from God, but they could choose to repent and bring healing and restoration to the nation of Israel. God sent them a great light through Moses when the nation was born and then he sent a greater light through Jesus at the end of the Old Covenant. Those that rejected the Law delivered by Moses where stoned and those that rejected the Gospel delivered by Jesus died in their sins.

Several of the surrounding nations were used to fulfill God’s purpose, when Israel or Judah’s sin reached the point when they would not repent and change any longer. God sent the cruel nations of Assyria, Babylon, Greece and Rome to afflict, punish and even destroy his people who had once been called the people of God. We see that the vengeance of God comes upon his people in stages. Then in the last days of the Old Covenant, God sent the Beast of Rome to destroy their corrupted worship and scatter the people.

Now in the days of the New Testament church, we have a Spiritual Kingdom, rather than a natural one. This new covenant of the Heavenly Kingdom follows the same principles as God dealt with those under the old covenant, the natural people of God in the Old Testament. God now sends spiritual enemies upon those that take on his name, for their transgressions away from His Word.

That is why he has sent the powers and principalities of darkness against the church since the mid 1900’s. The spiritual Assyrians have come and carried away the saints into another land, into another walk with God, because they had lost their first love and defiled themselves with the world. The spiritual Babylonians have come to destroy Jerusalem (the Church), destroy her house of worship and carry away God’s people into captivity of confusion. The spiritual Grecians have brought into the church their philosophy and theology, destroying the power of Faith in the Word of God. The spiritual Romans have brought in spiritual cruelty and spiritual oppression through organizations and denominations. The spiritual Catholicism has brought a perverted doctrine and spirit in these last days killing many of the saints. They have set up an image of the Holy Ghost temple of God with man’s leadership, which is corrupt and full of filth.

Nevertheless in the last days of the New Covenant the Lord will send a great light to the church, it will be rejected by the religious, but the elect of God will rejoice. Then God will send the Eighth beast to destroy this corrupted worship and scatter the people. The Eighth beast is already here and in control of the land and worship, just like Rome was at the time of Jesus Christ. God has said he will preserve or protect his people during this time, but that blessing is only to those that hear and obey the voice of the Lord.

God's People Are Being Shaken

The nation of God, the Church has thrust Christ’s leadership out of their lives even as he stands at the door knocking to come in. In an effort to keep peace with the world, the Church world has accepted the false spirit filled movement of these latter years. Today preachers cannot discern between the true or false or that which is just immaturity in the saints walking with God. Through the iniquity that has abounded in this last 50 years, false doctrines and false anointing have come in like a flood upon the church; shaking people completely out of the Kingdom of God and into the Kingdom of Satan.

We are approaching a similar time as the Old Testament people, but this time spiritual Rome is sending another army to destroy the church, God’s people. Many of those who seek shelter behind the walls of religion will lose their lives because they do not go out of the camp to follow Jesus. Satan is attempting to destroy Heavenly Jerusalem; but it cannot be destroyed. Like in the last days of the Old Testament church, before Rome’s armies came, all of their previous religious ordinances and worship did not fulfill any purpose in changing their relationship with God. In a similar manner, the day is coming when the days of preaching salvation will no longer have any effect and God will move on to His next message of deliverance. The elect or true born again, who walk after the Spirit of God, should not fear of being shaken out of Jesus’ Heavenly Kingdom even though they will suffer from many natural oppressions.

How the Heavenly Shaking Came

As preached in the previous messages this spiritual shakening has been happening for years now. First, the devil has been loosed from the bottomless pit bringing forth a smoke of iniquity that is tormenting and tempting many of God’s people. Secondly, the devil has sent forth an army of deception through Christianity to deceive God’s people and bring abominations upon their soul. The Eighth Beast has already sent a fire from heaven, and Gog and Magog are currently compassing the Church, the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Beloved of the Lord.

These same deceptions have been a major part in fulfilling the prophecy in Joel of an army that would come to devour Gods people. The vine is wasted and the new wine is dried up in the last days. The flow of the Holy Ghost is withered among the saints. These deceptions have stripped the bark off of God’s tree, bringing death. Moisture cannot travel up into the leaves and branches on a bark-less tree. The fields are wasted. The corn of the Word of God is dried up. Many are being deceived. Many are falling by the way side. Many have come to a valley of decision in their life. Do I walk with God or walk with religion?

In Revelation it speaks of an hour of temptation when the mighty wind would blow upon the saints. Today, we are in this hour of temptation and the saints of God are being tried, tested and purified. God has sent this army of Satan upon the entire world to bring destruction just as was spoken of by the prophet Joel.

The church as a whole has been backsliding allowing the adversary to get a hold on their life during this hour of temptation upon the world. Many in the church have become defiled. The church has joined itself to false doctrines which have come out of the mouths of the beast, the dragon and the false prophets.

A strange fire has fallen from heaven and many believers have allowed a different spirit to come into their life. Those who once where saints of God having the Spirit of Christ sit upon the throne of their heart, have now received a False Spirit, which now sits upon that same throne of their heart. The enemy of Christ is sitting in the temples of God. The abomination that leads to desolation is standing in the holy place, sitting in that place that should be reserved only for the Lord.

The fig tree is being shaken of a mighty wind and many figs or saints are falling as many stars are being cast down by the false prophet and false spirit from the dragon. Yet there are a few in the uppermost branches that are staying secured in their hold on the testimony of Christ and of the Word of God. Only those who have spiritual understanding can see or understand what I am saying, because this mighty wind that has come, has been against our Spiritual Kingdom of God.


The enemy wants to defile us and remove us from the Kingdom. At the same time that many are being defiled; God is purging out of his Kingdom the unclean and tares, the children of the wicked one whom the Devil sowed in the field. Both the godly and ungodly are slowing moving toward the group or camp, they wish to be a part of, as the next phase of God’s battle on the earth is being prepared.

Peter said that when the time of judgment begins, it will start with the church and then move to the sinner or world. This shaking of the heavens has begun and will continue to increase with intensity toward the saints until the time the two Prophets, or the Anointed ones has finished their divine purpose, are killed and resurrected as spoken of in Revelation.

Today, only those filled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ can see what is happening to the Spiritual Kingdom of God from this shakening that has been going on for years. This is not the sun, moon and stars which we see when we look into the night sky. No, the shaking of the heavens is the Kingdom of God. Things have entered into the Kingdom of Christ which is not supposed to be there. Abominations have set up their own altars and worship within His Kingdom. Saints have turned their back on worshipping in Truth and Spirit and are now worshipping the flesh, world, lust and greed. Every form of spiritual creeping thing has associated itself with the church or body of believers of Jesus Christ. And what makes it so bad is that the people of God cannot seem to discern the …true from the false doctrine …true from the false anointing … nor the clean from the unclean. Darkness is upon the world and the church again.

The vine and the fig tree are being shaken. This is not the enemy coming of his own desire; it is God sending the army of Satan against the church to make it desolate so that the sinners might be destroyed out of it. This adversary is not from any country …it is not from this physical world …it is not from our natural realm … it is Satan being loosed upon this earth in a spiritual manner. If the children of God stay true to God, devil’s enticing will not cause them to stumble and fall.

Those who do not spiritually run to the mountain of the Lord will be spiritually destroyed. Those who desire to keep their stuff (natural or spiritual) will be spiritually overcome. God is destroying and purging the unclean out of the Church. It is bringing the remaining part of the church to a place that they will cry out in pain and sorrows to be delivered. She is not crying from pains of bondage and affliction over the loss of her stuff. She is crying out because there is something in her that wants to be manifested, brought forth unto life. She wants to be free from this Adamic nature that is holding her in bondage.

Blessed is he that has an ear to hear what the spirit has to say to the church.